Santa Barbara Quantum Health

>What's New 2023

Flower Essences | Gem Elixirs | Formulas | Bach Remedies | A-Z
Shaman Healing Elixirs | Astrology & Numerology Elixirs
Platinum Alchemy | Tektite Elixirs | Sacred Geometry Elixirs

Joy / Happiness

Please click on those products below that appeal to you. You'll to be sent to the Products Pages that provide photographs, more information, and further links to the shopping cart. Enjoy exploring!

Ajoite - Finding Joy, Love, Beauty & Acceptance Inside and Out
Ajoite, most often found as soft blue-green phantoms in crystals, radiates one of the sweetest, most loving and serene energies in the mineral kingdom. It brings calm and peace to our emotions while gently cleansing our hearts of sadness, anger and hurt. As a result, we experience greater levels of joy, love, acceptance, and compassion. And because it melds the heart and throat centers, we more easily express what's in our hearts. Ajoite helps us see beauty, love and joy both within and around us, no matter the circumstance. It moves us along our spiritual path allowing us to more easily link to the higher dimensions as well as to people we meet along our way. Truly a gift from nature for the heart.

Anchi Crystals - Raise Vibratory Rate/Harmony & Healing /Better Intent & Creation
Newly discovered and mined in Colorado, this combination of crystals are 1.6 billion years old, with scientific research discovering a strong energy field surrounding and radiating from them. It has been hypothesized that this field was imbued into the crystals during the highly formative genitive era that the earth was in at that time. The crystals have a templating and retemplating effect on body, mind and spirit. As an elixir, it has a number of helpful effects that together make it a powerful ally. 1) It raises the vibratory rate of the body encouraging healing and restoration. 2) It clears and transforms negative emotions into positive feelings. 3) It increases the ability to focus intention and creative power to more quickly manifest desires, goals and abundance. 4) It brings a sense of happy harmony with others and the surroundings. 5) The radiating field protects from EMF, WiFi, microwaves, and negative thought forms. It is highly beneficial used in the bath and as an adjunct to other remedies. It can also be sprayed on affected body areas, around the energy field, and in rooms and spaces, to encourage healing, harmony and clarity, and to elevate the vibrations. As one of the new millennium minerals, anchi crystals significantly enhance spiritualized and harmonious creation, healing, and relationships for all. Comes with an atomizer spray cap. (Check out more about the crystals at

Apophyllite - Spiritual Light, Joy, Optimism, Opportunity
Apophyllite emanates a delightful, elevated vibration. It uplifts the spirit and infuses both our ethereal and physical being with Light. This Elixir clears blockages in the Crown Chakra to thin the veil and allow a flow of spiritual energy from the higher realms. Psychic abilities and intuition increase along with access to our higher guides and guardians. Apophyllite Elixir streams this divine energy into our hearts and solar plexus, which then translates into joy, optimism and serendipity. We're able to face fears and correct mistakes to move forward in life and make the most of our current situations. We learn what's in the way of our true happiness, and how to recognize and act on opportunities. Feelings of burn out are replaced with zest and enthusiasm. Apophyllite builds a strong connection between the spiritual and physical aspects, so higher energies and guidance can help us participate more fully in life with joy and optimism.

Baby Blue Eyes - Fear & Distrust of the World/Highly Sensitive People
Baby Blues Eyes is an important essence for those experiencing fear, distrust or anxiety when looking out at the world, and which may stem from childhood trauma, neglect or abuse by parents or those in authority. Such people don't feel safe and have a core belief that the world is a perilous place. As a result, they tend to withdraw or isolate from interaction and have difficulty seeing goodness around them. Baby Blue Eyes clears distorted perceptions about the world related to loss of innocence and restores inner security and a relaxed embracing, trusting viewpoint filled with childlike wonder. It enhances psychic gifts and the ability to enjoy direct experience of life as well as better vision. It's excellent for highly sensitive and spiritualized people and those engaged in spiritual practices. Works well with California Buckeye, Carrot, Clematis, Eyebright or White Chestnut for better vision; and for feeling safe and relaxed, Mimulus, Aspen, Corn or Rock Rose.

Borage - Easing Grief and Heavy-Heartedness
Borage is for people who feel sad, heavy-hearted or grief-stricken. This remedy increases the courage to face difficult circumstances, chases away sorrow and restores happiness and optimism.

Cantu - Kindling Joy, Ecstasy, Happiness, and Serendipity
Cantu, the national flower of both Peru and Bolivia, is considered to be imbued with the attributes of the hummingbird. As a flower essence, Cantu powerfully opens and frees the heart and expression, enhancing joy, happiness, harmony, ecstasy and serendipity. It also improves flexibility and movement in the body. It works magic for dancing, traveling, relationships, and marriage. It's immensely helpful for depression, addiction recovery and chronic or terminal illness. Let the inner child play!

Cape Chestnut - Seeing the Loving Divine in life. Radiance
Crisis, adversity and disaster have mounted in our world. Most of us have been affected directly or indirectly, and know others who've been too. This Formula addresses shock and trauma, anguish and grief, terror and fear, and emotional and mental duress, that occur in these critical situations. It soothes, comforts, calms and centers, restoring courage, hope, tranquility, and belief in recovery. People are better able to handle challenges and move forward more smoothly through transitions to reclaim peace, optimism and faith once more.

Color Elixir Green, both master color and fulcrum of the colors, has universal appeal. It is cooling, and stimulates life, growth, harmony, cooperation, friendship, happiness, appreciation, and a sense of balance. Green raises the vibrations of the body above the vibration of dis-ease and brings forth self-healing, recovery, and renewal. It opens the heart chakra at the center of the chest and stimulates its associated gland, the thymus.

Desert Willow - Inflexibility. Adapting to change. Joyful flow.
Desert Willow is a small tree that grows in washes and along river banks, in the dry southwestern USA and Mexico. Its lavender and violet flowers appear tropical and like an oasis in the desert. The essence gives a sense of acceptance and allowance, and an ability to adapt and flow with changing situations. It fosters tolerance and flexibility and shows us how to live through times of transition, paradigm shift and climate change. It eases worry, fretting, over-effort, resistance, fear of losing control, and having to have things just so. It helps us surrender to Higher guidance and feel its support. We learn how to be joyful and relaxed and see the world, not as a harsh demanding place, but as one of opportunity and growth. Useful for when moving to different climates or cultures.

Fairy Lantern - Adult/Inner Child Balance & Nature Attunement
Fairy Lantern helps to create a healthy accord between the adult and inner child aspects of self. It works for adults who don't want to grow up, or for those who have lost touch with their inner child. Over-strict upbringing and past abuse or trauma can create this split to either side. Fairy Lantern balances the adult powers of being responsible, independent, skillful and knowledgeable, with the inner child gifts of being joyful, playful, spontaneous, and fun-loving. Another use for this essence is increasing attunement to nature, nature spirits, fairies, the little people, and the devic kingdom. Anyone who works with nature or plant energies, like gardeners, herbalists, flower essence practitioners, or aromatherapists, can receive more accurate information and enjoy the communion. This essence enhances appreciation of nature's spiritual beauty. A most delightful and versatile remedy!

Flower of Life - Alchemy/Harmony/ Creation/Integration/12 Strand DNA Activator
This ancient geometric pattern, mysterious and appealing, was found in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt, carved on a granite pillar. Though it is the oldest example discovered to date, the pattern has also been used liberally in Indian, Asian, Phoenician, Assyrian, Middle Eastern and Medieval art. Leonard da Vinci intensely studied it. As an elixir, the Flower of Life is pure alchemy; it amplifies, quickens, harmonizes, integrates, transforms and spiritualizes. It encourages positive harmonious creation and brings out the best, greatest and highest in a person, integrating all levels and dimensions of the self from the most mundane to the most rarified or sacred. It is an alchemical catalyst for life and consciousness. It activates and aligns the heart, brow, crown and five chakras about the head as well as all seven subtle bodies. It also activates, develops and integrates the 12 strand DNA. This Flower of Life elixir for the new millennium enhances love, harmony, manifestation, problem-solving, physical/emotional/mental balance, psychic gifts, hands-on-healing, and attunement to higher self, inner guidance and Source. It clears, protects and strengthens the energy field. Use it with remedies, herbs, aromatherapy, spiritual practice, intention and goal setting, healing modalities and the like, to advance the highest, best and most harmonious outcome.

Forgiveness Formula
Do yourself a favor, and forgive yourself and others! This formula eases a load of stress from the emotions, mental outlook and body. Guilt and shame over mistakes and shortcomings as well as being too hard on oneself turns into self-acceptance, self-forgiveness and joy. Resentment, feeling bitter, complaining, blaming or criticizing others shifts into forgiveness and acceptance. One sees through people's problems and defenses to truly enjoy and appreciate the goodness that is there. What a relief. What an uplift. What a heart opener.

Gentian - For feeling discouraged or depressed by setbacks
Gentian works for depression from known causes. It is for those who are easily disheartened or discouraged by obstacles, setbacks and delays. They doubt themselves and believe their difficulties are insurmountable. They live with a negative mental outlook that keeps them from understanding that their own lack of faith and determination is preventing them from overcoming their problems. It is helpful during illness, when there is a setback or for children who are discouraged by schoolwork or exams.
Gentian improves determination and perseverance to do one's best when tackling difficulties, and provides faith and optimism to know that these obstacles bring the very lessons needed for growth.

Good Luck Formula
Good Luck formula improves good fortune, abundance and opportunity, as we dare to move outside of our comfort zones. It enhances confidence, good will, optimism, serendipity, spontaneity and gratitude to help us be more alert, positive and ready to grab our chance in the moment. We also gain better contact with Inner guidance and intuition to offer us clear direction. Such is the recipe to support us to seize the Good Luck that is ours.
Ingredients: Libyan Gold Tektite, Chrysoberyl, Cantu, Bird of Paradise, Sierra Primrose, Liveforever, Ulexite, Copper, Shooting Star, Star Lily, Filtered Water, Alcohol

Gorse - For hopelessness and despair
Gorse is for very great hopelessness and despair and the belief that no more can be done. Such are the people who have given up and have lost all hope. To please their loved ones they will try different treatments but assure them that they will not work. It is valuable to give early on in any chronic case or illness or with the pronouncement that nothing more can be done.
Gorse provides deep abiding conviction and renewed hope and faith that recovery is possible, despite the present physical or mental conditions. It helps one imagine a positive outcome.

Green Apophyllite
Heart Opening. Joy. Love. Contact Mother Earth/Nature/Elementals. Earth Healing

Green Apophyllite is an enchanting crystal that activates the Heart chakra as well as the Brow and Crown. We experience more joy, sweetness and optimism. It gently cleanses and balances the heart energy to help us see all sides of an issue and let go of that which no longer serves. We move into emotional balance, forgiveness, unconditional love and spiritual growth. Love and truth align. The Elixir also notably helps us connect to Mother Earth and Nature. It opens a psychic channel to communicate with Nature spirits, devas, fairies and elementals as well as animal and plant energies. It is excellent for Earth healers, nature lovers, gardeners, and animal lovers, as well as for those who wish to open their hearts to more joy, sweetness and love. Quite nice with Rosophia.

Happy Child Formula
This is a universal formula for children to clear fear, impatience, irritability, learning issues, and emotional extremes. It helps them to feel the Spirit and develop joyful, loving, and creative expression as well as courage, self-esteem, courtesy, cooperation, patience, optimism, emotional balance and enhanced learning. It also works wonders for adults who want to reclaim their inner child!

Honeysuckle - For living in the past, because of nostalgia or post-trauma
Honeysuckle helps those who dwell in the past and believe they can no longer be happy. This lost happiness and lack of attention for the present can stem from a past time either of great happiness or of deep trauma. Some people are nostalgic, longing for the good old days or better times. Others have not released or recovered from past regrets or ordeals, such as an accident, a war incident, childhood abuse, or loss of a loved one. This remedy is helpful for orphans, war veterans, widows or widowers, people who have failed in business or older folks who have to live alone.
Honeysuckle lets one live fully and find joy and happiness in the present. It helps one realize that past experiences provide valuable lessons for living today and moving forward in life.

Hummingbird Sage - Self-Esteem and Self-Acceptance in Emotional Cleansing
Hummingbird Sage is a wonderful aid for the emotional cleansing process. It helps to balance and spiritualize the emotions while building and maintaining self-esteem and self-acceptance. It relieves the guilt and shame often experienced while facing and releasing painful emotions. Joy, humor, and uplifted feelings emerge. This is very beneficial for psychotherapy and for children who have experienced emotional trauma.

Ivy Geranium - Mood Enhancer, Anti-Depressant, Seeing the Upside
Ivy Geranium is a simple enhancer for one's mood. It lets people see the bright side, the upside of life, and the good in something or someone. Gloomy, sad, unhappy people who look at the negative or downside of life, events or others can reclaim optimism and a positive point of view. As an ant-depressant, this essence is quite useful in times of stress, dieting, or addiction recovery, as when quitting cigarettes, alcohol, or recreational drugs, when serotonin levels temporarily decrease.

Joyful Warrior
Joyful Warrior is dedicated to devoted people, caregivers, first responders, leaders, light workers, light warriors and the like, who take a stand for what’s right and good. Sometimes the pursuit or battle to assist people, family, community, nation or world, takes its toll and we lose our cheer, energy or faith, feeling overwhelmed by the burden of it all. This combination restores vitality, revives purpose and boosts optimism. Stamina, courage, standing firm, integrity, communication skills and insight, all warrior qualities, are favored. And too the Spirit is uplifted, infusing both body and being with vigor, joy and elation. Zest and enthusiasm replace burn out. We can laugh again, enjoying and carrying on with what we’ve been called to do.
Ingredients: Apophyllite, Fire Jasper, filtered water, alcohol by 40% volume

Larkspur - Positive Attitude, Cooperation, Leadership Skills
Larkspur (Delphinium) is a universal balancer for people, and also as a balancer for remedy combinations. It creates a positive mental attitude, increasing charisma, courtesy, altruism, cooperation, enthusiasm, and humor. It develops leadership abilities, helping to inspire others without being domineering or aggrandizing.

Laughter for the Soul
Laughter for the Soul is, first and foremost, designed for happy occasions and celebrations. Included are two enlightened flowers, Himalayan rose R. Sericea and South American Cantu C. bicolor, to bring forth uplifting qualities and experience. Then too, Zinnia has been added to the mix for childlike wonder and playfulness. All chakras open. This formula enhances joy, love, bliss, laughter, spontaneity, serendipity and an open heart, better expression and increased contact with the Higher self. Use it for times in nature or special occasions, like weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, parties, or gatherings with friends or family. In these situations, it’s taken once on the day of. Laughter for the Soul can also be used regularly, once or twice a day, for a week, two or three, to help clear away issues that prevent humor, gratitude, affection or spiritual connection. Be ready to face, release and heal old stuff that no longer serves, like tears, fears, anger, past hurts or pain. And to kindle happiness, harmony, kindness, zest, creativity, purpose and high spirits, both in life and with others. Manifest the treasures of the Soul.
Ingredients: Ingredients: Rosa Sericea, Cantu, Zinnia, filtered water, alcohol by 40% volume

Living in Love & Light Formula
Living in Love & Light formula is a celebration of abundant living in the body, full of joy, unconditional love, charisma and radiance, with our Divine nature at the helm. The three Himalayan roses stimulate the Kundalini, while opening and balancing the Root, Heart, Brow and Crown Chakras and the 5 above the head. All heart issues, fear, anger, grief, criticism, low self-esteem and depression heal over time. By grounding us with the Earth, prosperity and manifesting Divine purpose improve. Through linking us to our Higher self, Ascended beings and the Angelic realms, reception to Inner guidance as well as the ability to channel increases. Enjoy bringing Heaven to Earth and becoming a greater blessing wherever you are.
Ingredients: Rosa Sericea, Rosa Macrophylla, Rosa Webbiana, Filtered water, Alcohol

Mind Over Matter
Mind Over Matter is a synergistic combination that augments the mind's ability to harmoniously create and manifest wishes in tune with the Higher self. It potently magnifies intent and the powers of meditation, visualization, mantras, chants, affirmations, Reiki, symbols and the like, hastening and enhancing the desired outcome. First, we must become clear about what to manifest, like abundance, money, goals, plans, projects, ideas, success, job, home, car, school, test scores, relationships, positive results, world peace, etc. (The list is endless.) And then we record these needs or wants concisely and specifically, before starting. An important aspect of Mind Over Matter is its capacity to help process and clear hidden fears and blockages in our subconscious mind so we can boost confidence and trust in our mind's innate capabilities. Also, this formula assists us in receiving information from our Higher self and Inner guides. Best results come when the combination is taken once or twice a day on a regular basis along with meditations, visualizations, prayer, chants, affirmations or similar modalities.
Ingredients: Moreton Bay Fig, Lazurite/Quartz, Rhodizite, Ajoite, Larkspur, Liveforever, Charoite, filtered water, alcohol 40% by volume

Mustard - For deep gloom and depression for no apparent reason
Mustard is for those who suffer from deep black depression that comes on suddenly and leaves just as suddenly, without cause. Such gloom takes away all joy, peace and happiness when it descends. The sufferers cannot shake the deep gloom and melancholia at will.
Mustard restores cheerfulness, helps one find the basis of the depression, and replaces it with inner stability and abiding joy and peace.

Number 3 - Expression/Imagination/Sociability
Stimulate your imagination, humor, and creative expression! Amplify your ability to write, speak, and communicate your creativity, dreams and ideas. Enhance your sociability and experience of traveling.

Number 66 - Charismatic Communicator/Great-Hearted Expression
Increase loving, joyous expression and magnetism. Become more generous and compassionate and fulfill your responsibilities to others in a joyful creative manner. This elixir supports healers, counselors, speakers, and artists working for the greater good. Be a ray of sunshine in the gloom.

Owl's Clover - Boredom, Self-Discovery, and Spontaneity
Owl's Clover is an adorable plant with small white spots nestled in dense magenta spikes. On closer inspection, a surprise is waiting: the white spots are little flowers that look like owls. This essence helps those who are bored with their lives, stuck in a rut, and don't believe they have anything more to offer. They mechanically go about living doing the same routine, thinking that is all there is to life. Owl's Clover awakens people to the joy of self-discovery and spontaneity. Sometimes a bright dream or a serendipitous happening comes to guide them to their next step or new path of fulfillment. This new discovery rekindles joy, enthusiasm, and happiness for living, and lets such people break free from boring, worn-out habits.

Pink Ball Dombeya - Trust & Optimism in the Future
This small tree has lovely large balls of pink flowers hanging like ornaments. Over-focus on what's wrong in the present often leads to worry, self-defeating attitudes, and self-fulfilling behaviors. Pink Ball essence improves optimism for the present and future. It brings peace to the emotions while easing fear, worry and anxiety. It increases confidence, faith and trust in the Divine. We are able to look forward with reasonable confidence, that events will turn out for the best. We then think and act in ways today to prepare for a brighter future. This is important now, with so much chaos and change happening at increasing rates. Stop worrying about the future. Optimism is a healthier, more potent option!

Presence Formula
The present holds the key to life. And whatever is presented offers an opportunity to learn, grow and expand. Staying present is the gift to find solutions to questions and conundrums. The Presence Formula eases thoughts and emotions which distract from and interfere with attuning to the still inner voice always available now to resolve issues. This formula helps one stay centered and in the moment by clearing fear, worry, depression, negative outlooks, and resistance to what's happening. It increases tranquility, optimism, faith in Providence, and acceptance of what's given. It grants entrance to the power, love, light and wisdom within for support and elucidation. It keeps the attention in the moment to continually receive whatever is needed. A wonderful sense of being here and now arises so we're ever ready to face, solve, trust, enjoy and appreciate life to the fullest.
Ingredients: Filtered energized water, alcohol by 40% volume, Pink Ball Dombeya, Whirling Butterflies, Cantu, Beryllonite, Liveforever, Madrone

Radiant Heart Formula
Open your heart to love. Boost self-esteem, self-acceptance, kindness, tolerance, understanding, love and acceptance of your own or others' issues and shortcomings. This formula is very freeing, relaxing and harmonizing. Bring forth joy and appreciation for people and life!

Rosa Brunonii (Himalayan Musk Rose) - Spiritual Wisdom. Divine Purpose. Joy of Being
Rosa Brunonii (Himalayan Musk Rose) is a stout climber with beautiful, fragrant white flowers that cluster at the ends of branches. Its signature is in the perfumed musky scent of its blooms. This essence simultaneously opens and unites the Heart and Crown chakras to bring forth balanced living, unconditional Love, Divine purpose and Wisdom. The Spirit entices us here. We desire to increase our capacity to care. We desire to contemplate Spiritual truths more deeply. Through this process, we discover Higher purpose, our place in the Universe and deep Wisdom, that greater understanding of Life's mysteries and conundrums. And with this, we're given the opportunity to experience the ecstasy and sheer joy of Being. Excellent for meditation, Buddhist and Self-actualization practices. Use with Rosa Sericea for more ground.

Rosa Sericea (Wingthorn Rose) - Manifesting Purpose and Prosperity
Rosa Sericea (Wingthorn Rose), native to the Himalayas, displays some most interesting features. First, the bloom has only 4 petals (5 is usual). Second, it has striking, enormous red-winged thorns, that glow when the sun shines through them, contrasting with its ferny green foliage. The single white flowers bloom all along the canes. This Rose essence opens the Base, Heart and Crown chakras, and stimulates the Kundalini. The intellect is spiritualized to allow for better communication with one's Higher self and guides. Love, joy, gratitude and acceptance for life greatly increase. It's grounding and helps us better understand the nature of being physical and how to create new habits to manifest Purpose and prosperity. Rosa Sericea makes living on Earth easier and more pleasurable. Excellent to give ground to other Rose essences.

Rose Cactus - Heals Past Trauma of the Heart to Love & Trust Again
Rose Cactus appears as a small tree with leaves. Hidden behind them on the trunk are long sharp spines. As a flower essence, it works with blocks, grief and any kind of past wounds, hurts, or abuse to the emotional heart, including from past lives. It soothes, heals and restores peace, harmony, and balance to the heart and emotions, so one can openly love, enjoy and trust people and life again. Works well with Star of Bethlehem and Mariposa Lily.

Sexual Ecstasy Formula
Add pizzazz and good feelings to your sexual experience. Enhance your sexual sensitivity, excitement and responsiveness along with bunches of love. No irritating physical side effects. Works well with Quantum Sex.

Sierra Primrose - Gratitude for Living, Regardless of Outer Conditions
Sierra Primrose works for those who live without joy and are habitually unhappy, bored, depressed or unappreciative. This flower essence revives the heart and uplifts the perspective to boost gratitude for the gift of life, regardless of outer conditions or state of health. People discover within themselves a deep wellspring of joy and enthusiasm for living that sustains them through all circumstances and situations.

Silk (Mimosa) Tree - Emotional Healing, Self-Integration, Joy, Love, Spiritual View
Silk Tree aka Mimosa Tree is an ornamental beauty, laden with fragrant pink pom-pom flowers and large fern-like leaves that curl in and down at sunset or when it rains. The leaves responding to rain or darkening of the light symbolize how harrowing emotions can trigger a part of us to retreat. This Essence ameliorates extreme emotional imbalances, created by separating or disassociating from the trauma. Most of us have areas of old hurt that are highly resistant to change or being touched. Underneath our negated pain lies a gift, a part of ourselves that was buried with it. Silk Tree to the rescue. It works gently, acting as a balm for ancient aches, whether fear, anxiety, depression, alienation, worthlessness, guilt or grief. It sooths and heals our hearts and emotions. It offers us inspiration, new understanding and a transcendental perspective, that encourages reintegration. We feel a new sense of wholeness as the pieces come back together. We're able to embrace love and life again in those areas that had gone dark. Joy, happiness, and expanded awareness come more easily. We find beauty in the present moment. Excellent for emotional healing, inner child work and Shadow clearing.

Smithsonite - Fear of Intimacy, Instill Security, Confidence, Harmony in Relations
Smithsonite comes in an array of tranquil and soothing pastel shades, most often pink, teal or lavender. It markedly alleviates fears related to intimacy and interpersonal relationships, and also to the inability to establish such personal relations. The elixir gently releases old emotional wounds and childhood trauma and conflicts. It instills a sense of peace, inner security, self-confidence and compassion to be able to accept and give love. Smithsonite elixir begets harmony and the willingness to commit in intimate relationships. Enjoy!

SW Australian Hibiscus - Enjoyment, Appreciation & Affinity in all Interrelations (Alyogyne hakeifolia)
Alyogyne, an attractive shrub with abundant blooms, is native to the coastal region of Southwest Australia. Though closely related to and sometimes called Hibiscus, it is distinguished by undivided stigmas, flowers deeply cupped and leaves highly segmented. Alyogyne hakeifolia has cream, pink or lavender blossoms. Its gesture is the many flowers that crowd the bush. The Flower Essence brings forth joy and desire to connect, be close to, and share with others. It gently cleanses fears, freeing people from insecurities, inhibitions and tensions. Self-confidence and a sense of one's own inner beauty increase along with feelings of elation and vitality. All kinds of relationships and interactions can flourish with this Essence, from the most intimate to family and friends, neighbors and community as well as business and social networking. It promotes enjoyment, appreciation and affinity for interrelations across the board.

Sweet William - Reviving Joviality and Joyful Expression
Sweet William is a universal flower essence that everyone can enjoy. It uplifts the mood, increasing optimism and joyful, happy, heartfelt expression. It will dispel any mental or emotional state that interferes with joviality or being joyously present. Such states include grief, wallowing, sulking, sarcasm, and depression. This essence can be used for emotional release therapies or when people are facing difficult or painful circumstances, to help reinstate a positive optimistic state.

Thanksgiving Formula
We live in a world focused on what's wrong. Mainstream media is filled with headlines, articles, videos and blogs reporting and commenting on bad news, at the local, national and worldwide level. Stop! To be healthy in mind and body, we need to move out of the stress response, also called flight or fight. It's automatically triggered when we react to negative input and information. Adrenaline starts pumping, digestion stops working, the body halts repairing itself. We need to relax and appreciate what's good. The Thanksgiving formula helps us do just that. It uplifts our perspective and ability to see the upside and the good in life. We discover a deep wellspring of joy, gratitude and enthusiasm for living, no matter the outer circumstance. Optimism, harmony, serendipity, playfulness, laughter and heartfelt expression are restored. Use it in times of stress, crisis, depression, or discouragement. It is helpful in adversity, addiction recovery, and for chronic or terminal illness and any long term struggle. We need to look, find and be grateful for the silver lining. It's for the sake of our health and peace of our mind.
Ingredients: Filtered energized water, alcohol by 40% volume, Cantu, Sierra Primrose, Ivy Geranium

Udumbara Celestial Flower - Pure Being, Self-Realization, Spiritual Gifts
Udumbara* is a tiny white flower with a beautiful fragrance and is unusually hardy with neither leaves nor chlorophyll. Its name is Sanskrit meaning auspicious flower of heaven or 'something extremely rare, sacred and unique.' This mystical flower blooms for an extended period of time without wilting, even when crushed, flourishing on nontraditional surfaces, such as glass, paper, wood and metal. In the Buddhist tradition, it is called Youtan polua and was said to blossom every 3000 years when a world teacher was about to appear. Reports of its blooming again began in 1997 and have continued to the present day in China, Korea, Malacca, Australia, USA, and other places. People have connected the current flowering with a new world teacher, the second coming of Christ, intervention by Ascended masters, like St Germain, and even to the arrival of positive advanced ETs. As a Flower Essence, Udumbara greatly quickens spiritual growth, practice and Self-realization. It deepens meditation, bestowing direct experience of Source, Void and true Being. Lucid dreaming also improves. We more readily reflect on our lives, releasing habits, thoughts, emotions or activities that cloud the state of pure awareness. This Essence transmutes earthly experience into love, bliss, tranquility and understanding, plus also grants spiritual gifts and blessings in our lives.

Watermelon Tourmaline Catalyst - Spiritual Heart, Joy, Diplomacy, Relationships
Watermelon Tourmaline is a most appealing gemstone with a pink core ringed by green. This combination and pattern of Pink and Green Tourmalines together amplify and synergize each other's energies. The Elixir powerfully activates and spiritualizes the Heart Chakra and links it to the Higher Self. Immense joy, harmony and positive energy are its hallmarks. It fosters compassion, patience and empathy, while significantly improving tact, diplomacy and reconciliation. Ruptures in relationships can heal. We're able to look past old issues and hurts with others to discover goodness, beauty and humor. Use Watermelon Tourmaline freely to liberate the spiritual heart, joy in life, and harmony with others.
(Note: Watermelon Tourmaline acts as a catalyst for all the other Tourmalines, galvanizing their piezoelectric properties and greatly enhancing their effectiveness.)

Whirling Butterflies - Releasing Resistance and Accepting Change
Whirling Butterflies is a very important and timely essence for what's occurring on the planet at this time. With so much change coming more and more rapidly, it can become difficult to handle these ever increasing shifts. This sets up resistance in us and we want things to slow down, be more stable, and be more like they used to be. This essence helps us to adapt to this acceleration and overcomes the antagonism to the rapid change and to change in general. It helps us accept and allow all things present and presented. We release our opposition to what is being presented and learn to relax, be at peace, and move, work and flow with the moment. We surrender to the Spirit and learn to trust and have faith in what is happening. We realize that, through our higher nature, we have all that we need to deal with whatever comes our way. And ultimately it is for and increases our good and growth. Consider using with Impatiens, Willow, and the Abundance Attitude, Loving Relations, and Super Stress Relief Formulas.

Wild Rose - For feeling resigned, apathetic, and making little effort
Wild Rose is indicated when people have become resigned to their fate, to some unpleasant situation, to uncongenial work, to their problems, or to a poor state of health. They glide through life making little effort to change their conditions or to find some joy, as they are sure it won't help. They don't complain, nor are they really unhappy about their indifference. They can make dull companions, and they are unable to fulfill their potential. Their voices may be expressionless or monotonous. One key is that they are not depressed about their situation, but have come to accept it and learned to live with it. They don't understand that it's their lack of effort that keeps the conditions in place.
Wild Rose restores vitality, lively interest, and enthusiasm for life and living, helping people to accept responsibility for their circumstances and to take the initiative to fully participate in changing them.

Willow - For resentment, complaining, and feeling that life has been unfair
Willow helps people who hold on to resentment, bitterness and self-pity. Such individuals feel that life has been unfair to them in some way and they haven't deserved such a trial. They blame others and circumstances for their problems, grumbling and complaining and not taking responsibility for what happens in their lives and relationships. They begrudge others their success, happiness or good fortune. They are rarely pleased or satisfied, and more often than not they refuse to admit to improvements, preferring to see themselves as victims.
Willow restores a positive mental outlook and optimism about life, allowing people to forgive and forget past injustices. No longer victims they can enjoy life and attract friends and positive conditions into their lives.

Zinnia - Being Over-Serious, Increasing Laughter and Playfulness
Zinnia helps people contact the inner child to increase laughter, spontaneity, and playfulness. This essence helps those who are depressed, over-serious, or supersensitive, as well as parents, people with marital difficulties, or those with unfulfilled desires to have children. Zinnia helps people to lighten up and play more.

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