Santa Barbara Quantum Health

What's New 2024 Fall

Flower Essences | Gem Elixirs | Formulas | Bach Remedies | A-Z
Shaman Healing Elixirs | Astrology & Numerology Elixirs
Platinum Alchemy | Tektite Elixirs | Sacred Geometry Elixirs | Amazing Agates

Shadow Work

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AstroProtect: Eris
This formula brings out the positive aspects of the dwarf planet Eris, named after the Greek Warrior Goddess (likened to the Hindu Goddess Kali, destroyer of evil and protector of the innocent). In the far reaches of the solar system, Eris has a tilted elliptical orbit that begins outside Neptune's path and extends into the Kuiper belt beyond Pluto. She champions that part of the feminine nature which confronts and clears the shadow and restores balance between male and female attributes. This formula increases courage, power, expression and insight, reestablishing yin and yang harmony, within and without. Eris is currently in Aries at 23 degrees, 40 some minutes, will move to 24 degrees in March 2022, and then into Taurus in 2048. This formula is most helpful when Eris affects one's natal chart or its transits, through conjunctions, oppositions, squares and the like.
Ingredients: Fire Jasper, Shooting Star, filtered water, alcohol 40% by volume

AstroProtect: Eris in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn
Eris, a dwarf planet in the far reaches of the solar system, has a tilted elliptical orbit that extends into the Kuiper belt beyond Pluto. Discovered in 2005, she was named after the Greek Warrior Goddess of Discord and Strife. She can be likened to the Hindu goddess Kali, destroyer of evil and protector of the innocent. When Eris entered Aries in 1926 during the Roaring Twenties, the new woman was emerging, a suffragette and flapper, with hair cut short and corsets and full-length dresses discarded. Paraphrasing Sacred Astrology's article: * "Eris, the spiritual warrior, disrupts the status quo and exposes deception and darkness. In Aries, the trailblazer and rebel, she clears Aries' shadow of being narcissistic and selfcentered. Meanwhile Pluto's been working on Capricorn structures and reality as we know it, since 2008, clearing that sign's negatives: power at all costs, survival of the richest and repression of the feminine. With the Eris-Pluto square since 2020, the dark expressions of both Capricorn and Aries have been challenged and provoked, as both these planets demand transformation." With the Eris Square Pluto Formula, we clear our buried stuff to transform into our Higher selves more easily, full of warrior courage, truth-speaking, purpose, positivity and ability to create anew. It helps us to distinctly recognize that, even amidst of destruction and disclosure, a new and better world is forming in which we can bolster and participate, one that celebrates and promotes life, with the feminine properly balanced with the masculine on all levels. This Formula is quite dynamic. Use it once a day, or perhaps just every other day, to let go of what no longer serves you and to rise up to help actualize the new paradigm.
Ingredients: Fire Agate, Iron, Herkimer Diamond, Zinc, Impatiens, Larkspur, Shooting Star, filtered water, alcohol 40% by volume

Black Obsidian - Metamorphosis . Truth . Higher Nature . Power . Protection
Black Obsidian is volcanic glass, formed from lava with a high content of silica (quartz), which melted in the explosive heat and then suddenly cooled. Tektites (Tektite Page) too are glass forged during meteorite impacts. This abrupt metamorphosis illustrates the gift to us – immediate transformation. Black Obsidian Elixir cuts through our illusions and facades releasing the next rock-bottom issue, for the sole purpose of unleashing more of our true nature, untapped potential, warrior power and hidden knowledge. It cleanses the aura. Native psychic abilities and razor-sharp clarity increase, as well as ground and psychic protection. Mirrors from polished obsidian were used by shamans in ancient Mexico, and perhaps even Nostradamus, to gaze upon to divine higher truths. Use this Elixir for a week or two at a time to move forward and evolve rapidly. Helpful if feeling stuck or sluggish on one’s path. Opens root and brow chakras. Balances emotional and mental bodies. Ascension tool.

Boji Balls
Integrate Body/Mind/Spirit: Nature & Body Awareness. Clear Subconscious. Channeling

Boji Balls, one of the Shaman Balls (Pop Rock to geologists), are brown-black roundish concretions of iron pyrite with traces of palladium. They're found at the base of a natural pyramid formation in southwestern Kansas. Some have a smooth surface (feminine) and some a ridged surface (masculine). Local tribal shamans used them in healing and would throw them in the fire to create explosions during ceremonies. They balance all chakras, subtle bodies, and yin/yang aspects. The Elixir is grounding and helps people to tune in to Mother Earth, Nature and their own body. It increases telepathic contact with animal and plants and enhances the body's general health, healing and energy. It's excellent for gardeners, veterinarians, whisperers, and nature lovers, and for those into body culture and health, such as athletes, yoginis, and bodyworkers. It cleanses the subconscious mind of negative thought patterns replacing them with uplifted thoughts and feelings. And too the ability to channel inner guidance and the higher realms is greatly enhanced. Boji Balls are an all-round benefactor to balance the subtle anatomy and yin/yang as well as strengthening and integrating body, mind and spirit.

California Buckeye Bud - Learning problems. Chronic issues. Higher I.Q. Innovation
California Buckeye Bud is made from the unopened flower, like Dr Bach's flower remedy Chestnut Bud. In fact, they're both Horse Chestnuts, only different species. Their effects are quite similar, but the California cousin has expanded action. First like Bach's, it helps people who have difficulty learning from their mistakes and experiences and repeat them over and over, like picking the wrong partner or choosing the same unsuitable work. These people, rather than taking time to reflect on their choices, try to forget them or brush by the past, and are hurried, distracted or inattentive. It improves the ability to learn by placing the full attention in the present. Thus people can keenly observe and reflect on their experiences to gain information and perspective to move forward in life. California Buckeye Bud adds the ability to advance intelligence and increase I. Q. It improves focus, mental flexibility and encourages innovation and thinking outside the box. Also, it helps to break down any chronic issue and its associated stuck behavioral difficulties. Use it to clear longtime problems and addictions and enhance cognitive or behavioral work. Walnut or Pennyroyal synergize well with its ability for clearing chronic patterns. This essence can be helpful to ease aging brain issues, Down's syndrome, ADHD or early-stage dementia and can be utilized with other remedies and natural modalities. Check out True Genius.

Cintamani (Saffordite) - Lift the Veil, Advance Spiritual Heart & Higher Mission
The Cintamani, a Sanskrit word meaning wish-fulfilling jewel, is a tektite found only in Arizona, scientifically called Saffordite. This pinkish brown to lavender gray tektite has one of the highest vibrational frequencies of any mineral, emanating pure Light and Love and manifesting the purity of the Soul. It is a reflection of the inner jewel, the I AM presence, and the totality of being. Because it, most significantly, lifts the veil and radically advances both the spiritual heart and the higher calling, it is best-suited for those light workers and star seeds, who are already realizing their divine mission. It vigorously dissolves implants, negative thought forms, emotional blockages and outdated belief systems, so one must be prepared to let go of the old debris to further liberate the greater self. It expands cosmic consciousness, love, light and grace, establishing peace and harmony within oneself, and with life and relationships. It aligns all 12 chakras while opening the heart, brow, crown, and 5 chakras above the head. Likewise, all subtle bodies are balanced, with astral, causal, spiritual and soul bodies being stimulated. It should be taken alone, and no more than once a day and perhaps better less often. Columbianite, a tektite from South America, has very similar qualities but acts a little bit more gently, so some may want to work first with that tektite, and then move on to the Cintamani.

Chrysocolla - Emotional Balance, Spiritual Progress, Breath Work
Chrysocolla is a complex copper mineral with attractive blue and green layers and mottling. It is sometimes called a Goddess stone, as it enhances the Feminine nature within us all. It generates greater inner peace and tranquility and attracts circumstances we need to get things done. This Elixir notably clears issues in the subconscious that block our emotional maturity or personality growth. Emotions are balanced, stress and hypertension eased, while spiritual understanding and awareness expand. Use this Elixir with breathwork to gain better control over spiritual forces. Chrysocolla, with its Feminine power, assists us to release our shadow areas, increase tranquility, attract what's good for us, and make spiritual progress.

Columbianite - Gently Lift the Veil, Awaken Spiritual Heart & Higher Calling
Cintamani, its effects are somewhat gentler but still it has one of the highest vibratory rates of any mineral or tektite, second only to the Cintamani. It helps to lift the veil, opens the spiritual heart, and awakens people to their higher calling in life. It strongly clears chronic patterns, negative thought forms, emotional baggage and outdated belief systems. Experience of the higher self and cosmic consciousness greatly improves, as well as peace and harmony in life and relationships. It is well-suited for people who are awakening to their spiritual nature and higher purpose in life. It works on the subtle anatomy in a manner similar to the Cintamani, so please refer to it for the specifics. Because of Columbianite elixir''s powerfully liberating and clearing effects, it should not be taken more than once a day, and less often is highly suggested. It will help you remember who you really are and why you're here, beyond the veil of self-forgetting.

Cosmic Warrior
Evolution. Higher Intelligence. Co-create with Gaia. Ascension Timeline
Cosmic Warrior combines two of the most profound magical stones - Master Shamanite and Hypatia Meteorite. Using the 'best in show' idea, I award these 'best in earth' and 'best in sky,' and join champion shaman stone and outstanding meteorite together. This blend is dedicated to and supports Lightworkers, Spiritual Warriors, Earth Helpers, Healers, those serving to reestablish the power and position of the Divine Feminine, and those working to bring peace, harmony and liberation to the Planet and her living beings. It strengthens Intent, Spiritual protection and ability to manifest Higher destiny. It helps us face and release, with courage, confidence and self-acceptance, our Shadow, as well as effectively assist others to clear theirs. We're able to ardently stand our ground and grow in Cosmic awareness and our Divine nature. Intuition, psychic gifts and powers, channeling, meditation and spiritual practice, all expand. DNA evolves and latent positive sections are activated. Contact with Ascended beings, positive Extraterrestrials, Higher Intelligence and the Universe's evolutionary direction, advances guiding us along the Greater path and offering comfort, support, and wisdom. Cosmic Warrior is an all-round liberator and invites us to play a part in the grand Paradigm shift presently occurring on Planet Earth.
Ingredients: Energized filtered Water, Alcohol 40% by volume, Master Shamanite, Hypatia Meteorite

Columbine - Divine Purpose. Emotional/Mental Balance The delicate Columbine comes in a variety of colors, most often red, purple or yellow with a white center. The bloom, at the top of the stock, gently nods toward the ground. As a flower essence, it stabilizes the emotional and mental patterns to improve understanding of Divine purpose. It's helpful for inspired people who need more balance. When people are stressed or clearing emotional or mental issues, like in therapy or shadow work, they may lose sight momentarily of their Higher mission. This flower restores access and poise. It can be used in times of distress, shock or trauma. Columbine offers an elegant invaluable gift of tuning into and discerning Spiritual purpose by aligning thoughts and emotions. It opens the Crown chakra and the first two above the head. Helpful when changing jobs, career or life direction.

Ego Less I Formula
Ego Less I is the first of two formulas to help build a bridge that integrates the higher self with the ego. Unresolved dilemmas create a false identity, interfering with the ability to connect with and act from the divine nature. Facades and pretense of the insecure personality react to other people's games, ploys and issues, generating confusion and misunderstanding in relationships and situations. Fears, anxiety, guilt, shame, anger, mistrust and hostile projection all fuel the false self's defense system, while it tries to protect its hurt, sensitive areas. The Ego Less I formula assists the resolution of these painful emotions and insecurities, helping to release and unlayer them step by step. It provides crystal clear objectivity to surrender and heal these in a calm, detached manner. The strengths of the greater self: courage, acceptance, self-esteem, forgiveness, trust, and loving inclusion of others, increase and help dispel the need of the ego to go on the defensive. Instead it can relinquish to authenticity. The spiritual qualities begin to radiate more and more: peace, love, happiness, kindness, self-worth, and embracing others, while being compassionate and non reactive in the face of others' pain, masks and uncertainties. What a relief, when the ego and higher self are able to come together and work for the same goal of illumination. It's highly recommended to go on to the second formula Ego Less II once finished with this first one.
Ingredients: Chiastolite, Natrolite, Peony, Tree Anemone, Larkspur, Garlic, Oregon Grape, Pine, Borage, Ajoite, Sagebrush

Ego Less I1 Formula
Ego Less II continues the work of Ego Less I to strengthen the bridge between the higher self and personality, by clearing the fear, anxiety, guilt, anger, masks, reactivity and projection of the hurt ego. A more authentic self is born. Crystal clear objectivity, courage, acceptance, self-esteem, trust and forgiveness continue to improve. Now deeper cleansing occurs of emotional debris associated with tears and other more deeply hidden issues, that need to be processed layer by layer. Beneath is the sweet core, the divine nature. Clarity and positive emotional outlook increase. The ego further cooperates with the greater self. Emotional confusion and personal belief systems are set aside to clearly channel spiritual information and inner guidance. Wisdom, love and harmony prevail. Egoistic concerns dissipate as the ability to stay with higher states of consciousness grows. Do yourself a big favor and take Ego Less I and Ego Less II sequentially. They work well with Presence, Thanksgiving, or Lucid Perception, and also as a precursor, for Rainbow Body.
Ingredients: Chistolite, Natrolite, Peony, Tree Anemone, Larkspur, Garlic, Onion, Oregon Grape, Pine, Borage, Ajoite, Sagebursh, Liveforever, Pink Dombeya, Madrone

Final Ascent Formula
Final Ascent Formula provides a radical but remarkably smooth and balanced release of the false self and shadow: the old entrenched patterns that interfere with experiencing Enlightenment. It fosters joy, unconditional love and compassion for ourselves, others, our body and living on Earth. Plus, it helps us to fulfill our Higher mission and channel our Higher Self and Master guides. We can fully embody our Ascension and ground Love and Light on the planet, raising its vibration. With ease, we steadily unlayer old pain and trauma and readily and progressively embrace and express ever more of our Divine nature and gifts. Meditation comes easily and serves Final Ascent's transformative process.
Ingredients: Filtered energized water, alcohol by 40% volume, Liveforever, Indigo Bush, Rescue Remedy, Ajoite, Yerba Mansa, Rosa Sericea

Galactic Cintamani Elixir - ACosmic Awareness, Oneness, Healing, Ascension Tool
Galactic Cintamani is a rare tektite from a star system that's closer to the center of our galaxy. When stars or planets are in closer proximity to the Galactic center, where frequencies are higher, life evolves faster. Thus, when a meteor from such orbs, strikes the earth, tektites are forged with more elevated vibrations than those found on our planet. As an Elixir, Galactic Cinamani is infused with extremely heightened energies, even more so than the regular Cintamani from Sirius. It allows our body and energy field to harmonize with the great Spiritual energies entering the planet right now. And too it helps us to connect with the frequencies of the Galactic center and integrate them into our field. Our sensitivity, feeling of unity, and appreciation for nature and all life forms expands. In meditation, a crystal-clear connection to the cosmos is created with a sense that All is One without separation between the higher and earthly realms. Divine love opens our hearts, stimulating affection and compassion for others and ourselves. We plumb the depths of our purpose and poten,al. Old wounds that seemed impossible to heal, start to resolve, bringing about new revelations, joy and understanding. There's an impression that the DNA is being recalibrated. Ascension tool.

Garlic - Release Hidden or Obvious Fears/Anger with Increased Objectivity
Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a condiment, insect repellent, immune support, and a way to ward off negative energies. As a flower essence, Garlic is a valuable universal remedy to clear all kinds of fear and anger, whether hidden or obvious. It allows people to become relaxed and mentally and emotionally objective in order to release anxiety, paranoia, stage fright, resentment, hostility, impatience and the like. Even if a person is afraid to let go of fears or anger still buried, Garlic flower essence gradually removes any insecurity so they can be faced and processed in a calm detached manner. The many layers of the garlic bulb signify its ability to quarry negative states and dispel them. Use this essence liberally for any type of fearful or angry state. Excellent in psychotherapy, ego clearing, negative thought form release, and spiritual work.

Gold Quartz - Advance Spiritual Awareness, Health, and Power
Gold Quartz is one of the rarest forms of gold, found in only a few locations worldwide. Nature has created a powerful combina,on. Quartz has strong piezoelectric effects, that is, able to generate electricity under certain conditions. When naturally joined with other minerals, quartz amplifies their qualities, like with Quartz Tourmaline and Ajoite. Gold is a master healer of body and spirit. It rejuvenates nerve, brain, bone, muscle and cardiovascular tissues and protects from all kinds of EMF. And too it enhances spiritual evolution, meditation and a desire for enlightenment. Quartz magnifies all of these effects, plus adds emotional/mental clearing and a sense of power. Together this combo promotes the release of troublesome issues and limitations, expansion of spiritual awareness and self-realization, a healthier body, and more power to fulfill one's purpose.

Indigo Bush - Ascension Tool. Clear Shadow/Karma. Soul Star. Pineal
Indigo Bush (Orcutt's) is a rare plant native to the deserts of southern California and Baja California. The Flower Essence is one of the most alchemical and powerful, stimulating and coordinating the Heart, Brow and Crown Chakras with the 12th, and activating the Soul Star and pineal gland. It provides a radically quickened release of the false self and shadow - the old entrenched patterns that interfere with experiencing Enlightenment. We steadily and rapidly unlayer old pain and trauma along with heart and relationship issues, while lifting any remaining karma. We continuously embrace more and more of our Divine nature and gifts. Meditation is exceptionally enhanced and deepened, becoming an essential ally to facilitate the accelerated transformation. There are moments of bliss, clarity, greater Love and elevated perception. Indigo Bush is a major tool of Ascension. It's the main ingredient in Final Ascent, a formula which provides for a smoother ride of release and mastery.

Iridium (Ir) - Transform Spirit/Cosmic Awareness
Iridium is the only member of the platinum group to possess a subtle golden hue. It is found in the spinal column and brain along with Rhodium. Certain foods contain both elements - concord grapes, carrots, Aloe Vera, Noni, blue green algae, lecithin, Pygnogenol, and a number of herbs. Iridium is associated with the Ida, the up flowing energies of the spine, as described in Hindu texts. In the Western alchemical tradition, this flow is depicted as one of the snakes entwining the caduceus. Iridium Elixir is the opposite, or better said, the complement of Rhodium. As Rhodium grounds like a lightning rod and stimulates the Earth Star, Iridium is the lightning across the sky, activating the Soul Star. It markedly raises Consciousness, transporting us to the outer-most edge of our Spiritual awareness, a space that can feel quite subtle. The doors to Ultimate Reality open wider to expand Self-realization and reception to Divine information. Energy is high and the feeling blissful. Dreams can be vivid. To complement Iridium's high-flying perspective, Rhodium helps to anchor and remember the experience. Iridium Elixir can be used with other essences, elixirs and combinations to augment their ethereal aspects. You'll find Iridium Elixir in the Platinum Alchemy Set and the Ascension Alchemy Kit, both offered at a discount.

Joshua TreeBreak Free of Family & Cultural Patterns/True Self-Identity
Joshua Tree helps people break free from the dysfunction of family, generational, religious or cultural patterns, such as alcoholism, addiction, gambling, depression, violence, rigid beliefs or hereditary illnesses. This also includes the loss of their individual identity or freedom because of lack of insight regarding these familial and cultural influences. This flower essence helps to establish a true self-identity filled with courage and inner strength as well as being able to express a vibrant healthy individuality, beyond family and cultural conditioning. With this new freedom, people are able to gain more compassion and a better understanding about their history, heritage, and familial and cultural roots. Works well with Pineapple Lily.

Master Shamanite
Light Workers/Spiritual Warriors. Shadow Work. Service to Others & Mother Earth. Ascension Tool

Master Shamanite is a black carbon-rich form of Calcite with small amounts of Quartz, Zircon, Marcasite, other minerals, and tiny pieces of fossilized shells that appear as white spirals. Found only in a remote part of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, local tribal healers have long used this stone for spiritual purposes, healing, inner journeying, and communicating with spirit guides and ancestors. Their children carry it as protection from negative thoughts of others. Before rituals, the shamans use it to psychically clear the space. The Elixir connects all chakras and subtle bodies as well as the Earth and Soul Stars, hence potently linking the physical and Spiritual realms. This is one of the most dynamic helpers for Healers, Light Workers and Spiritual Warriors dedicated to healing and lifting the vibration of Mother Earth and reestablishing the power and position of the Divine Feminine. It increases Spiritual protection and strengthens Intent. It assertively clears the Shadow offering more confidence, courage, and self acceptance to move through the dark stuff and manifest one's Spiritual destiny and Divine Essence. People stand their ground on and for the Planet and serve others in their healing journeys. Psychic gifts, Higher powers, intuition, meditation, dream state, spiritual practice, contact with Spirit guides and Higher realms plus magical manifestation all actively advance. Daily life becomes easier and more empowered. A mighty Ascension tool for spiritual transformation and service to others and Mother Earth. See Cosmic Warrior formula.

Moonlight Grevillea - Wholeness. Clear Communication. Spiritual Acceleration
Moonlight Grevillea, a beautiful and favored shrubby tree from Queensland, Australia, is grown widely wherever it will thrive, like in Santa Barbara, CA. The Flower Essence offers us a sense of wholeness that leads to seeing unity behind seeming opposites, like inside/outside, yin/yang, above/below, me/them, or manifest/unmanifest. It bridges the subconscious, conscious and superconscious minds. When first used, the most noticeable and significant effect is that fragmented or dissociated parts in our unconscious gently move toward our waking self so we can take a look and release the related hurt or trauma. Our higher self readily joins in, integrating and transforming them into something wonderful, gifts of our true nature. And we become more whole. Often the entire process is very quick, like in just a few minutes, hours or days. Then smoothly lightly another round begins. Illusions of separation dissolve. Spiritual evolution accelerates. We clearly communicate our authentic being with others and the world. Its action is kind. Excellent for all spiritual practices and therapeutic processes, like inner child work, quantum psychology or psychosynthesis.

Moonstone - Feminine Power, Emotional Integration, Psychic Abilities
Moonstone with its pearly luster personifies the Feminine nature in her power and glory. This Elixir magnifies the Feminine qualities within us all - peace, receptivity, empathy, sensitivity, nurturing, emotional balance and harmony. Moonstone opens the Solar Plexus Chakra to resolve emotions, especially stress, anxiety and those related to the mother, calming, balancing and integrating them. We are more able to operate from that which we truly are and have to offer. The whole abdominal region relaxes, so it can be used to enhance breathwork, whether in therapy or spiritual practice. And because the Brow and Crown Chakras open, psychic abilities and intuition improve along with reception to higher guidance. As it's becoming crystal clear that the Mother/Goddess/Feminine energies and viewpoint have a major role to play in solving and healing the problems on Earth, Moonstone Elixir is a natural pick to have on hand and use often. Very nice in a bath.

Moqui Marbles
Yin/Yang Balance. Inner Journeys. Transformational Work. Contact Higher Guides

Moqui Marbles, another of the Shaman Balls, are roundish concretions with hematite shells and sandstone centers that come in male/female pairs. They were formed in the lower part of the Navajo Sandstone Formation in southern Utah and northern Arizona about 190 million years ago. A Hopi legend recounts that their ancestral spirits return to Earth in the evenings to play marble games and then in the morning leave the marbles behind to reassure their relatives that they're happy and content. Sacred among shamanic members of ancient tribes, they were used in rituals to contact extraterrestrials and ancestors, and for envisioning and journeying. They balance all chakras, subtle bodies and male/female aspects. The Elixir's most important use is with inner transformational work to recognize, understand and liberate one's true Nature and higher Self. It clears the shadow, energy blockages and polarity imbalances, while strengthening the energy field and providing psychic protection and ground. Discernment, intuition, visions, and insight are heightened. One can more readily contact allies, power animals, inner helpers, positive ETs and spiritual guides. Use for Shamanic journeys, soul retrieval, rebirthing, breathwork, meditation and inner journeying.

Moreton Bay Fig - Subconscious Blocks, Acumen, Creation, Mind over Matter
Moreton Bay Fig is a large Australian tree best known for its imposing buttress roots, which meander away from the sides of the trunk, adding support to its broad canopy. Like all fig trees, the flowering parts are hidden inside green, olive-shaped buds. A tiny wasp burrows within and fertilizes them, and then they swell, becoming the succulent fruits. This Essence, most significantly, clears hidden fears and blockages in the subconscious mind. Through confronting and releasing these issues, we're able to access confidence, acumen, mental clarity, and understanding. Higher psychic powers, such as visions, clairvoyance and telepathy, develop. Creative visualization, harmony in relationships, and the ability to create one's life and health, all improve. We're being better able to handle life's complexities. Moreton Bay Fig Essence bears an alchemical quality, granting the power of mind over matter, the ability to clearly and cleanly conceive and create. It works well with biofeedback, psychotherapy, and Shadow clearing. Please use it carefully and wisely.

Mystic Merlinite
Balanced Polarities. Magic. Shadow Work. Higher Guidance & Gifts. Manifesting

Mystic Merlinite, discovered in Madagascar, is a swirling mixture of white quartz, black feldspar and a few trace minerals. This stone is about the power that comes forth through balancing and integrating opposites. The Elixir significantly harmonizes various polarities in body, psyche and subtle anatomy - yin and yang, masculine and feminine, thought and emotion, upper and lower poles, all chakras, Earth and Soul stars, Shadow and Light as well as subconscious mind and super consciousness. (Consider the Taoist Yin/Yang symbol.) The veils between the visible and invisible worlds part and we can reclaim exiled parts of our soul to experience more enlightened states. Kundalini flow, grounding, protection, dream state, meditation, communication with subtle realms and inner guidance are all accented. Mystic Merlinite is a powerful, magical ally when used with Intent for any number of purposes - problem solving, inner journeying, soul retrieval, dream work, connecting and working with power animals/plants or the forces of Nature, seeking higher guidance plus manifesting goals. Whatever our target, we can forge exceptional outcomes filled with purity, integrity and light when our polarities are in harmony.

New Earth Magic New Earth Magic attunes and aligns people to the New Ear th energies and Feminine accord, which are rising and manifesting right now. This formula clears old conditioning, mindsets, perceptions and interpretations not in line with the New Paradigm taking shape. We gradually let go of those things that no longer serve, such as old pain, heart trauma, powerlessness, self-deprecation, judgments, confused thinking, and mind chatter. We transform more readily and view life, ourselves, and others through our Heart Intelligence in sync with Higher Intelligence. We're more inspired, lucid, and visionary about our greater Mission on the Planet and aim to actualize it. Our spiritual evolution and awareness grow. We stand up for ourselves determined to make a difference for Mother Earth, sharing our love, light, joy and ideas, and working together with like-hearted souls. Increasingly we feel uplifted, enjoying more harmony, spontaneity, synchronicity, understanding and clarity in our lives, activities, and relationships.
Ingredients: Energized filtered water, Alcohol 40% by volume, Rosophia, Ajoite, Crop Circle Stone, Staurolite, Green Apophyllite, Rhodizite, Erythrite, Prophecy Stone, Magnesite, Phenacite, Niobium, Flower of Life

Nutmeg - Higher Self, Self-Integration, Life Mission, Past & Future Lives
Nutmeg is the seed of a tree native to the Moluccas, the Spice Islands, of Indonesia. The flowers, small white orbs, represent wholeness, unity, and the soul level. Nutmeg is a major Flower Essence for attuning to the Higher Self. It accelerates our vibration and increases the capacity to remember and draw wisdom from past and future lives. Great inventors, such as Edison and Tesla, had this ability. Young people, Star seeds and Wanderers, unsure or indecisive about their careers or missions, can receive guidance from their souls. Fractures in the personality can mend and reintegrate. Nutmeg Essence brings forth information and dormant gifts from past or future incarnations to help us improve, prosper and expand. It is excellent for meditation, and with past life regression, future life progression, or Dolores Cannon's QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and Training), linked here

Self-Mastery. Magic. Shadow Work. Insight. Psychic Gifts. Ascension Tool

Nuummite, found only in Greenland, is the oldest known rock at 3 billion years. A combination of two minerals, this sorcerer's stone presents as black with iridescent crystals that sparkle in the light. Ancient civilizations used it to invoke visions and insight needed for healing on all levels. The Elixir offers Self-Mastery, helping us to face our shadow self bravely and honestly, and accept those aspects denied, vilified, or ignored. We're then better able to envision and embrace our luminous Self. It gifts us with psychic protection, insight, psychic abilities, inner guidance, serendipity, and mystical realization. Meditation, yogic practice, inner journeying, dream state, and magical manifestation are powerfully enhanced. Life begins to have more lightness of being, feeling more uplifted, synchronistic, and easier to manage and create. In the moment, we more readily discern and let go of old issues and identify more fully and freely with Source rather than matrix. An excellent Ascension tool.

Osmium (Os) - Transform in the Great Unknown/Infinity
Osmium, one of the rare platinum metals, actively demolishes limitations and borders of Cosmic awareness. It eradicates our Spiritual comfort zone. Being boundless and uncontrollable by nature, it bounces in all directions pushing on barriers to explore numinous, uncharted territory. The Elixir can thrust Consciousness to new, seemingly impossible and inconceivable heights, beyond current concepts and imagination, and move us into Higher timelines. It starts where Iridium Elixir leaves off. It's the stuff of miracles. Because Osmium can't focus long enough to stretch in a specific direction, it needs a tether to be effective. That would be 1) Rhodium, the anchor and lightning rod, 2) Ruthenium, the harmonizer of inner and outer realities, and 3) Iridium to smooth the ride in the Celestial realms. Then Osmium's raw expansive power can offer unexpected and innovative ideas, experience and realization, for high science, metascience and Cosmic travel. Awakening Siddhis, aka spiritual powers, becomes a distinct possibility. Osmium Elixir can also be of great value in transmuting deep limiting patterns and dis-ease. It will go as far as you can go and then further. With intent and the other three PGMs to tame Osmium, we can transverse the Unknown. We do not sell Osmium Elixir as a single by itself. You can buy it in combination with the other PGMs called Osmium Master Formula, or as a single Elixir in either the Platinum Alchemy Set and the Ascension Alchemy Kit, both offered at a discount.

Osmium Master Formula - Rhodium/Ruthenium/Iridium/Osmium
Osmium Elixir is not sold separately on the website but is combined with the other PGMs for a superior result, in this formula. You can buy Osmium as a single Elixir in either the Platinum Alchemy Set or Ascension Alchemy Kit (both are discounted), as it doesn't work properly without the other PGM Elixirs. Alone it actively demolishes limitations and borders of Cosmic awareness, bouncing in all directions against barriers, to explore numinous, unchartered territory. Osmium can transport Consciousness to new, seemingly impossible and inconceivable heights, beyond current concepts and imagination. It's the stuff of miracles. But it can't focus long enough to stretch in a specific direction without a tether, to be effective. That tether includes 1) Rhodium, the anchor and lightning rod, 2) Ruthenium, the harmonizer of inner and outer realities, and 3) Iridium to smooth the ride in the Celestial realms. Then Osmium's raw expansive power offers innovative and unexpected ideas, experience and realization, whether for high science, metascience or Cosmic travel. Awakening Siddhis, aka Spiritual powers, becomes a distinct possibility along with accessing Higher timelines. The Osmium Master combination can be of great value to transmute deep limiting patterns and chronic dis-ease. It accelerates all forms of self-healing. It will go as far as you can go and then further. It ultra-magnifies the resonance and performance of other flower essences, gem elixirs, remedies and formulations. With intent and the Osmium Master Formula, we can transverse Unknown realms and more quickly and readily master and harmonize all our Dimensional states from the most material to the utmost sublime. Please note: Journaling and being in Nature are favored when using any of the PGMs.

Onion - Purge Emotional Debris to Access True Self, Clarity, Positive Outlook
Onion has become a worldwide culinary favorite with important medicinal and nutritive virtues. As a flower essence, Onion can be universally applied to purge and alleviate emotional states and debris, both those associated with tears as well as those that need to be processed step by step, layer by layer. Look to the parts of the personality that are undisciplined, illogical or irrational, or feel blocked, stuck or defended. Onion flower essence strips away the barriers to access the true inner self and bring forth clarity, patience and a more positive emotional outlook on life. Use in psychotherapy, rebirthing, ego clearing, negative thought form release, and spiritual work.

Past Life Regression Formula
Use this formula as an aid to help to increase past life recall and release old traumas, resolve relationship issues, and ease karmic issues. Apply with past life regressions, past life recall CDs or tapes, meditation, or suggestions before sleep. It improves psychological well-being, mental clarity and emotional and spiritual balance.

Pink Flame Tree - Radiant Power of Love
Pink Flame Tree, a tall native to Australia, blooms profusely with clusters of large rose-pink velvety bells. The 3-inch flowers continuously fall, carpeting the ground with long-lasting, delightful fuzzy gifts. The essence bestows the power of Love in its many manifestations. It's all about giving, receiving and sharing this unconditional quality. It vigorously cleanses, transforms and expands the Heart chakra. It clears all related barriers and difficulties, including those from childhood trauma, abuse or confusion. It assuages guilt, worthlessness, fear, criticism, resentment, grief, withdrawal, and the like. Pink Flame Tree raises self-esteem, self-acceptance, confidence, and appreciation and acceptance of others, as well as affection for family, community, the Earth, and all living beings. It has a most remarkable ability to expand one's radiant Love to positively influence and help others transform. It's an excellent addition to the Bach Flower Remedies and their combinations, enhancing and spiritualizing their qualities for the 21st Century. This essence is often best used with specific remedies to focus its effects. It magnifies and quickens all flower essences.

Osmium Master Ascension/Alchemy Set
The Osmium Master Ascension/Alchemy Set contains 3 powerful formulas Osmium Master, Final Ascent and New White Magic. The Set is designed support clearing of all psychosomatic and psychospiritual issues to hasten Enlightenment, Ascension and Spiritual powers.

Click on individual links for more detailed information. See Directions for Use below the product descriptions.

Osmium Master brings together Rhodium, the anchor and lightning rod, Ruthenium, the harmonizer of inner and outer realities, Iridium, which smooths the ride in the Celestial realms and Osmium, the raw untethered expansive power that offers unexpected and innovative ideas, experience and realization. The Osmium Master combination can be of great value to transmute deep limiting patterns and chronic dis-ease. It accelerates all forms of self-healing. It will go as far as you can go and then further. With intent and the Osmium Master Formula, one can transverse Unknown realms and more quickly and readily master and harmonize all one's Dimensional states from the most material to the utmost sublime.

Final Ascent provides a radical and balanced release of false self and shadow, to foster unconditional love and compassion for self and others as well as for living on the Earth. It helps us link to and channel Higher self and guides. We can fully embody our Ascension to ground Love and Light on the planet and help raise its vibration.

New White Magic instills a sense of planetary purpose. It profoundly advances the ability to manifest from elevated levels, amplifying the power to create, express, heal and transform with ease and harmony. It boosts the ability to ground and materialize, as well as link to and channel Divine Will and Higher mission and guidance. Excellent in groups and mass meditation.

Directions for using the Osmium Master Ascension/Alchemy Set:
The optimal way to use this Set is to start with Final Ascent, 7 drops under the tongue once or twice a day for about 3 weeks. Then switch to New White Magic, 7 drops under the tongue once or twice a day, for about 3 weeks. Then take Osmium Master, 7 drops under the tongue once or twice a day, for about 3 weeks. After that, you may combine Osmium Master with either Final Ascent or New White Magic to magnify and quicken their affects. Switch back and forth between taking Final Ascent with Osmium Master for a few weeks (or as desired) and then taking New White Magic with Osmium Master for a few weeks (or as desired).
Enjoy the quickening!

Pink Cobalt Calcite - Self-Realization thru the Heart. Emotional Harmony. Healing
Pink Cobalt Calcite has a most appealing rose red to pink lavender color. Some consider this crystal one of the most loving members of the mineral kingdom. Dawn Hall,∗ longtime expert on the beneficial qualities of stones, says, "The journey from the head to the heart is the longest spiritual path we’ll ever take. Pink Cobalt Calcite can be very useful when navigating that path, as it acts as a bridge between the soul star (higher heart) and the heart chakra." The Gem Elixir opens and aligns the heart, throat, brow and crown chakras as well as the 12th (the soul star). Herein lies the key to its remarkable power. Emotional harmony emerges through its calming, cleansing and healing action on heart and feeling, easing tears, fears, anger, emotional blocks, old pain and trauma as well as psychosomatic illness and conditions (ulcers, cancer, IBS, etc.) Forgiveness, patience, compassion and loving kindness for both oneself and others readily come forth. And too, awareness, psychic faculties, contact and communication with higher realms and spirit guides all advance to promote deep introspection to solve life problems and view them from a heightened perspective. There’s a sense that miracles are possible, and that one can manifest things and spiritual gifts. Those who have chosen to carry pain for people or the planet, find support and inspiration. This gem is one of the most potent for Self-realization through the heart. Divine love is the healer. ∗

Platinum Alchemy Set
The Platinum Alchemy Set includes four one-ounce bottles: Rhodium, Ruthenium, Iridium and Osmium Elixirs of the Platinum Group Metals, the PGMs. These Elixirs synergize and catalyze with one another to 1) anchor and embody higher levels of reality, 2) harmonize inner and outer realities, 3) give a smooth expansive ride in the Celestial realms, and 4) propel us into the mysteries of the Unknown. Below are brief descriptions of each PGM Elixir. Click on links of individual Elixirs or Osmium Master Formula, to gain more detailed information and useful ideas. See Directions for Use.

Rhodium quickly and radically dissolves body armor and chronic tension in muscles, nervous system and meridians as well as engrams and PTSD. It both grounds and spiritualizes, stimulating the Kundalini, feet Chakras and Earth Star.

Ruthenium radically clears the personality of chronic issues, deeply engrained habits, and negative and toxic thought forms. It realigns the personality and ego with the Spiritual nature and Greater dimensions.

Iridium markedly raises Consciousness and stimulates both the Soul Star and the upward energy flows along the spine. The doors to Ultimate Reality open. Cosmic awareness further expands along with reception to information from the Higher self and guides.

Osmium actively demolishes limitation and borders of our Spiritual awareness. Being boundless in nature, it bounces in all directions pushing on barriers to explore numinous, uncharted territory and Higher timelines. It transports Consciousness to seemly impossible and inconceivable new heights, beyond current concepts and imagination. It's the stuff of miracles.

Quartz Tourmaline Seventh Chakra - Spiritual Alchemy, Clear Energy Field, Great Self
Quartz Tourmaline, also called Tourmilated Quartz, is Quartz crystal with inclusions of Tourmaline. Since both these minerals have piezoelectric properties (carrying an electrical charge when warmed or rubbed), they magnify, catalyze and synergize each other. This Elixir powerfully opens the Crown Chakra and aligns all Chakras and subtle bodies. This process clears negativity from the energy field, while repairing holes or damaged areas. There is greater attunement to and unity with the Great Self, I AM Presence, and Divine Mind, increasing spiritual understanding. Higher psychic gifts and spiritual growth advance. Quartz Tourmaline brings clarity to both thought and emotion, and helps people to stay on their spiritual paths. It can bring issues to the surface to be faced and released. It eliminates destructive crystallized patterns, such as obsessions, addictions and self-sabotage, transmuting them into spiritual gifts. Excellent for meditation and spiritual practice.

Rhodium (Rh) - Transform Body/Physical Plane
Rhodium, one of the platinum group meetals, is found in the spinal column and brain along with Iridium. Certain foods contain both elements - concord grapes, carrots, Aloe Vera, Noni, blue green algae, lecithin, Pygnogenol, and a number of herbs. Rhodium is associated with the Pingala, the downflowing energies of the spine, as described in Hindu texts. In the Western alchemical tradition, this flow is depicted as one of the snakes coiling the caduceus. Rhodium Elixir is both grounding and spiritualizing, stimulating the Kundalini, feet Chakras and Earth Star. It quickly and radically dissolves body armor and chronic tension in muscles, nervous system and meridians, including engrams and PTSD. Plus, it bestows physical energy, alertness and an ability to stay calm and centered under pressure. Acting like a lightning rod, Rhodium is essential when taking Iridium or Osmium. Rhodium Elixir can be taken with other essences, elixirs and combinations to enhance ground or clear habituated body tension, PTSD and the like. You'll find Rhodium Elixir in the Platinum Alchemy Set and the Ascension Alchemy Kit, both offered at a discount.)

Ruthenium (Ru) - Transform Mind/Personality
Ruthenium is one of the rare platinum metals. A Scientific American article reported that when single Ruthenium atoms were placed at the ends of short DNA strands, their conductivity increased 10,000 times, in effect, becoming a super conductor. Also malformed DNA was corrected. As an Elixir, Ruthenium aligns, organizes and balances our inner and outer realities together to create smooth, positive and harmonious results. It adjusts our outer 3D reality, including ego and personality, and coordinates them with our inner reality (the Greater dimensional states and templates). It is an adaptogen for life situations. It assertively cleanses and processes thoughts, feelings, habits and negative or toxic thought forms, that interfere with accessing our True nature and the Higher accords, timelines and blueprints. We experience elevated clarity and energy and manifest more readily, properly and positively. For example, taking Ruthenium Elixir for a few days before completing an important transaction encourages a beneficial outcome. You'll find Rhuthenium Elixir in the Platinum Alchemy Set and the Ascension Alchemy Kit, both offered at a discount.

Saffordite (Cintamani) - Lift the Veil, Advance Spiritual Heart & Higher
Saffordite, a tektite found only in Arizona, is also called the Cintamani, a Sanskrit term meaning wish-fulfilling jewel. This pinkish brown to lavender gray tektite has one of the highest vibrational frequencies of any mineral, emanating pure Light and Love and manifesting the purity of the Soul. It is a reflection of the inner jewel, the I AM presence and totality of being. Because it, most significantly, lifts the veil and radically advances both the spiritual heart and the higher calling, it is best-suited for those light workers and star seeds, who are already realizing their divine mission. It vigorously dissolves implants, negative thought forms, emotional blockages and outdated belief systems, so one must be prepared to let go of the old debris to further liberate the greater self. It expands cosmic consciousness, love, light and grace, establishing peace and harmony within oneself, and with life and relationships. It aligns all 12 chakras and opens the heart, brow, crown and the 5 chakras above the head. Likewise, all subtle bodies are balanced with the astral, causal, spiritual and soul bodies being stimulated. It should be taken alone, and no more than once a day and perhaps better less often. Columbianite, a tektite from South America, has very similar qualities but acts a little bit more gently, so some may want to work first with that tektite, and then move on to Saffordite.

Silk (Mimosa) Tree - Emotional Healing, Self-Integration, Joy, Love, Spiritual View
Silk Tree aka Mimosa Tree is an ornamental beauty, laden with fragrant pink pom-pom flowers and large fern-like leaves that curl in and down at sunset or when it rains. The leaves responding to rain or darkening of the light symbolize how harrowing emotions can trigger a part of us to retreat. This Essence ameliorates extreme emotional imbalances, created by separating or disassociating from the trauma. Most of us have areas of old hurt that are highly resistant to change or being touched. Underneath our negated pain lies a gift, a part of ourselves that was buried with it. Silk Tree to the rescue. It works gently, acting as a balm for ancient aches, whether fear, anxiety, depression, alienation, worthlessness, guilt or grief. It sooths and heals our hearts and emotions. It offers us inspiration, new understanding and a transcendental perspective, that encourages reintegration. We feel a new sense of wholeness as the pieces come back together. We're able to embrace love and life again in those areas that had gone dark. Joy, happiness, and expanded awareness come more easily. We find beauty in the present moment. Excellent for emotional healing, inner child work and Shadow clearing.

Snowberry Bush - Soul Retrieval & Spiritual Liberation
The pure white berries last through the winter to feed the birds. Snowberry flower essence is master healer, purifier and transformer of the soul. It's about soul retrieval; getting to the core of issues long lost, forgotten, fragmented, or dissociated from, found in the dark depths of the subconscious mind. These are the conundrums unbeknownst to our conscious mind, which block our next breakthrough or enlightenment. This essence is the extreme tool of intrepid spiritual initiates, dedicated to their complete liberation and wholeness. It gives dauntless courage to excavate the basis of hidden problems and to steadfastly face and release them. Immediately, Snowberry bestows spiritual inspiration, guidance, and direction for healing and wholeness helping to resolve problems, conflicts, or chronic issues that remained indecipherable. It brings forth gifts, talents, abilities, and spiritual powers that were deeply buried. The pearl of great price, in the sunken treasure chest at the bottom of the ocean, is raised and brought into the light. We retrieve our Divinity and True Self. It may also be of value for intransigent health problems to help reveal the root or karmic play and quicken understanding and healing. It is best used alone, rather than in combinations, for a week or two at a time, to achieve breakthroughs. Sweet Chestnut, Rescue Remedy and such, work well once the issues have surfaced. Excellent with shamanic work and soul retrieval.

Star Thistle - Mistrust. Withdrawal. Radiant love.
Star Thistle has golden flowers with long spines just below them in attractive star-like arrangements. This flower essence helps those who are suspicious and distrust others because they're afraid or angry about being hurt. They tend to withdraw or keep a distance as a result. We all can go through a temporary period of doubt or shying away from friends, family or strangers because of certain situations or when cleansing old issues. This essence eases distrust, uncertainty, fear and anger towards people, and opens the Heart to find courage, confidence and forgiveness to trust again. It bestows a radiant open-hearted approach to extend love and compassion to others. Good with inner child work and psychotherapy.

Tibetan Tektite - Advance Spiritual Clearing, Protection, Kundalini, Ascension
Tibetan Tektite, black or brown/black in color, is found in Tibet and Southern China. It is sacred to the Tibetan monks who called it the Stone of Shambhala, and believe that it originated from the Orion constellation. The Drokma nomads of north-central Tibet gathered these tektites in dry lake country to offer them to Tibetan monasteries in lieu of cash tithes. The monks gladly received them as powerful meditation stones. When the monks were forced to flee during the Communist takeover in 1949, they brought their meditation stones, many of which were purchased by a single individual in the early 1950's. When he retired, he sold his cache. This elixir was made from one of this group. As a result, it has the added power and energy of the Tibetan monks, and their meditation and monasteries. The Tibetan Tektite elixir transforms relativity into oneness, and connects to the Orion Stargate. It awakens Kundalini energy, expands consciousness, brings insight and compassion, and improves psychic sensitivity. It assists in facing inner fears and shadows to transmute them. The elixir removes energetic blockages and stagnant energy to increase one's frequency while offering divine protection from negative energies and influence. The base, heart, brow and crown chakras open, and all 12 chakras and all subtle bodies align. This brings a free flow of energy throughout one's being. Tibetan Tektite supports the ascension process to awaken the light body and approach the experience of the I AM presence. Take it only once a day with an occasional breather. Libyan Gold Tektite can be taken with it to add ground and positive will and manifesting abilities.

Turritella Agate - Ground . Balance . Confidence . Clear the Past . Hidden Truths . Evolution
Turritella Agate is prized for its spectacular fossils preserved in rock. It was once the muddy bottom of huge pristine lakes 50 million years ago where water snails thrived and died, depositing their shells. These layers became deeply buried, and through heat, pressure and groundwater rich in silica, petrified. The emphasis is on the base chakra which aligns with the heart, brow, and crown. And the emotional and mental bodies balance together. The Elixir captures the strong pristine life force that existed at that time on earth to offer restorative powers. And the spiraling shells act as a portal to the deep past, as well as carrying us along our spiritual evolution. It helps us release negative thoughts and emotions and unwanted energy while providing a sense of safety, security and stability. The focus is on the ancient past, such as our earliest childhood memories or trauma and even our past lives. All for the purpose of bringing healing, new balance, spiritual growth and wisdom into our lives. Emotional balance, self-confidence, better decision making, contact with the higher self, plus courage and optimism for the future, all increase. This Elixir provides support in times of hardship. A gift of healing and evolution from earth’s ancient past.
See more on the Agate Page.

Zircon - Transmutation. Liberation. Cosmic Awareness. Spiritual Powers
Zircon, a stone of intensity and clarity, transmutes our spiritual energies on the physical plane. It helps us reconcile being a Spiritual entity in a physical body. Its gesture is that when cut into a gem, it creates as much luster and fire as a diamond. Zircon Elixir clears the subconscious mind of deep dark denials created through past pain and trauma. These denials morph into the difficulties wrestled with day by day and year after year: deep-set fears, anger, depression, sorrow, anxieties, addictions, repetitive mistakes and the like. These interfere with experiencing Enlightenment and Ascension. Certain of our spiritual aspects sank into oblivion along with these repressed parts. Zircon Elixir comes to the rescue to reclaim our pure beautiful, illuminated facets and gifts. It allows us to better experience our Divine Nature and to be a channel for the Spirit. It removes and raises us beyond ancient confusion, conditioning, karma and implants. Revelation, cosmic awareness, visions, dreams, psychic abilities and higher powers increase, to use while we're embodied to help ourselves as well as others, the planet and the universe. It’s best to utilize Zircon Elixir with care. Perhaps take it for 7 days at a time (or as you wish), and then stop and integrate for a while. Then go for another cycle. It's a remarkable liberator!

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