Guilt / Shame |
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Bower of Beauty - Unconditional love/appreciation for oneself
Bower of Beauty, native to Australia, is a beautiful vigorous climber adorned with fragrant pale pink blooms. The
Flower Essence bestows the Higher octave of self-esteem, the sense of Divine unconditional love and respect for
ourselves. This completely changes our perspective away from feeling low self-esteem, shame and worthlessness,
or fearing rejection, judgment and being unlovable. Instead we're able to experience wonder, appreciation and
gratitude for our talents, gifts and blessings, given by our Spiritual nature. We relax and take better care of
ourselves. We stop taking things so personally or pressing to be perfect or worrying about criticism. Gradually we
let go of old belief systems and conditioning from upbringing and cultural patterns. We look within rather than
outside to find and share our admirable qualities. This essence augments the Bach flower remedies. It's excellent
for times when our self-esteem has been shaken, and in therapy, addiction recovery and for survivors of abuse.
Ego Less I Formula
Ego Less I is the first of two formulas to help build a bridge that integrates the higher self with the ego. Unresolved dilemmas create a false identity, interfering with the ability to
connect with and act from the divine nature. Facades and pretense of the insecure
personality react to other people's games, ploys and issues, generating confusion and
misunderstanding in relationships and situations. Fears, anxiety, guilt, shame, anger,
mistrust and hostile projection all fuel the false self's defense system, while it tries to
protect its hurt, sensitive areas. The Ego Less I formula assists the resolution of these
painful emotions and insecurities, helping to release and unlayer them step by step. It
provides crystal clear objectivity to surrender and heal these in a calm, detached manner.
The strengths of the greater self: courage, acceptance, self-esteem, forgiveness, trust, and
loving inclusion of others, increase and help dispel the need of the ego to go on the
defensive. Instead it can relinquish to authenticity. The spiritual qualities begin to radiate
more and more: peace, love, happiness, kindness, self-worth, and embracing others, while
being compassionate and non reactive in the face of others' pain, masks and
uncertainties. What a relief, when the ego and higher self are able to come together and
work for the same goal of illumination. It's highly recommended to go on to the second
formula Ego Less II once finished with this first one.
Ingredients: Chiastolite, Natrolite, Peony, Tree Anemone, Larkspur, Garlic, Oregon
Grape, Pine, Borage, Ajoite, Sagebrush
Ego Less I1 Formula
Ego Less II continues the work of Ego Less I to strengthen the bridge between the higher
self and personality, by clearing the fear, anxiety, guilt, anger, masks, reactivity and
projection of the hurt ego. A more authentic self is born. Crystal clear objectivity,
courage, acceptance, self-esteem, trust and forgiveness continue to improve. Now deeper
cleansing occurs of emotional debris associated with tears and other more deeply hidden
issues, that need to be processed layer by layer. Beneath is the sweet core, the divine
nature. Clarity and positive emotional outlook increase. The ego further cooperates with
the greater self. Emotional confusion and personal belief systems are set aside to clearly
channel spiritual information and inner guidance. Wisdom, love and harmony prevail.
Egoistic concerns dissipate as the ability to stay with higher states of consciousness
grows. Do yourself a big favor and take Ego Less I and Ego Less II sequentially. They
work well with Presence, Thanksgiving, or Lucid Perception, and also as a precursor, for
Rainbow Body.
Ingredients: Chistolite, Natrolite, Peony, Tree Anemone, Larkspur, Garlic, Onion,
Oregon Grape, Pine, Borage, Ajoite, Sagebursh, Liveforever, Pink Dombeya, Madrone
Forgiveness Formula
Do yourself a favor, and forgive yourself and others! This formula eases a load of stress from the emotions, mental outlook and body. Guilt and shame over mistakes and shortcomings as well as being too hard on oneself turns into self-acceptance, self-forgiveness and joy. Resentment, feeling bitter, complaining, blaming or criticizing others shifts into forgiveness and acceptance. One sees through people’s problems and defenses to truly enjoy and appreciate the goodness that is there. What a relief. What an uplift. What a heart opener.
Hummingbird Sage – Self-Esteem and Self-Acceptance in Emotional Cleansing
Hummingbird Sage is a wonderful aid for the emotional cleansing process. It helps to balance and spiritualize the emotions while building and maintaining self-esteem and self-acceptance. It relieves the guilt and shame often experienced while facing and releasing painful emotions. Joy, humor, and uplifted feelings emerge. This is very beneficial for psychotherapy and for children who have experienced emotional trauma.
Hyssop – Resolving Guilt
Hyssop helps to resolve the guilt associated with mistakes or wrongdoing. It’s different from Pine, which works for people who relentlessly focus on their mistakes and shortcomings, even though they’re actually doing a good job. Hyssop helps those who hold onto guilt about their past actions rather than face and deal with the changes they need to make. This essence helps people honestly confront their actions and make positive shifts in their personalities. It’s useful with prison reform, teenagers, children, and anyone feeling guilt-ridden over past errors.
Joshua Tree – Break Free of Family & Cultural Patterns/True Self-Identity
Joshua Tree helps people break free from the dysfunction of family, generational, religious or cultural patterns, such as alcoholism, addiction, gambling, depression, violence, rigid beliefs or hereditary illnesses. This also includes the loss of their individual identity or freedom because of lack of insight regarding these familial and cultural influences. This flower essence helps to establish a true self-identity filled with courage and inner strength as well as being able to express a vibrant healthy individuality, beyond family and cultural conditioning. With this new freedom, people are able to gain more compassion and a better understanding about their history, heritage, and familial and cultural roots. Works well with Pineapple Lily.
Pine – For guilt and self-reproach
Pine helps those who suffer from guilt and self-reproach regarding their mistakes or shortcomings. Such people are humble and apologetic, and they obsessively condemn themselves, becoming quite despondent, as a result. No matter what they do or how well they perform, they are never satisfied but feel that they should have done better. They even blame themselves for the mistakes of others and for what goes wrong.
Pine improves self-esteem and self-acceptance. It helps people acknowledge and focus on their good points and successes.
Pink Cobalt Calcite - Self-Realization thru the Heart. Emotional Harmony. Healing
Pink Cobalt Calcite has a most appealing rose red to pink lavender color. Some consider this crystal one
of the most loving members of the mineral kingdom. Dawn Hall,∗ longtime expert on the beneficial
qualities of stones, says, "The journey from the head to the heart is the longest spiritual path we’ll ever
take. Pink Cobalt Calcite can be very useful when navigating that path, as it acts as a bridge between the
soul star (higher heart) and the heart chakra." The Gem Elixir opens and aligns the heart, throat, brow
and crown chakras as well as the 12th (the soul star). Herein lies the key to its remarkable power.
Emotional harmony emerges through its calming, cleansing and healing action on heart and feeling,
easing tears, fears, anger, emotional blocks, old pain and trauma as well as psychosomatic illness and
conditions (ulcers, cancer, IBS, etc.) Forgiveness, patience, compassion and loving kindness for both
oneself and others readily come forth. And too, awareness, psychic faculties, contact and
communication with higher realms and spirit guides all advance to promote deep introspection to solve
life problems and view them from a heightened perspective. There’s a sense that miracles are possible,
and that one can manifest things and spiritual gifts. Those who have chosen to carry pain for people or
the planet, find support and inspiration. This gem is one of the most potent for Self-realization through
the heart. Divine love is the healer.
Pink Monkeyflower - Courage to Express Feelings
All the monkeyflowers (the genus Mimulus) work with fear while the color of their blooms allude to which kind. Dr Bach's Mimulus is yellow and gives courage and confidence to overcome mental fears. Pink Monkeyflower is for fear of feeling vulnerable to, or of being rejected for, showing or expressing one's emotions. Culturally men are often conditioned to not reveal how they feel, for fear of being ridiculed or accused of being weak. Past abuse or trauma can set up people, regardless of gender, to hide their emotional pain. And then too, people will typically hide their feelings of shame, guilt or unworthiness. At times, people put on a tough exterior to mask these fears. This essence gives courage and confidence to be emotionally honest and take emotional risks with others. It relieves the internal pressure that can come from holding back one's real feelings. People come to realize the strength there is in expressing their feelings in appropriate ways and situations.
Redbud Tree - Transcend dark emotions. Uplift the Spirit Redbud Tree is called the harbinger of spring with its early display of densely clustered magenta flowers blanketing stems and branches. The Flower Essence is a first aid for extremes of grief, remorse, depression or guilt over past
failures. Especially when there's great difficulty in facing oneself or the emotional torment. It eases pain and agony
while consoling and lifting the spirits. Joy, optimism and tranquility are renewed along with the ability to transcend
darkness. This is a potent aid for suicide prevention.