Feminine/Goddess Energies |
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AstroProtect: Eris
This formula brings out the positive aspects of the dwarf planet Eris, named after the Greek Warrior
Goddess (likened to the Hindu Goddess Kali, destroyer of evil and protector of the innocent). In the far
reaches of the solar system, Eris has a tilted elliptical orbit that begins outside Neptune's path and
extends into the Kuiper belt beyond Pluto. She champions that part of the feminine nature which
confronts and clears the shadow and restores balance between male and female attributes. This formula
increases courage, power, expression and insight, reestablishing yin and yang harmony, within and without.
Eris is currently in Aries at 23 degrees, 40 some minutes, will move to 24 degrees in March 2022, and
then into Taurus in 2048. This formula is most helpful when Eris affects one's natal chart or its transits,
through conjunctions, oppositions, squares and the like.
Ingredients: Fire Jasper, Shooting Star, filtered water, alcohol 40% by volume
AstroProtect: Eris in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn
Eris, a dwarf planet in the far reaches of the solar system, has a tilted elliptical orbit that extends into
the Kuiper belt beyond Pluto. Discovered in 2005, she was named after the Greek Warrior Goddess of
Discord and Strife. She can be likened to the Hindu goddess Kali, destroyer of evil and protector of the
innocent. When Eris entered Aries in 1926 during the Roaring Twenties, the new woman was emerging,
a suffragette and flapper, with hair cut short and corsets and full-length dresses discarded. Paraphrasing
Sacred Astrology's article: * "Eris, the spiritual warrior, disrupts the status quo and exposes deception
and darkness. In Aries, the trailblazer and rebel, she clears Aries' shadow of being narcissistic and selfcentered.
Meanwhile Pluto's been working on Capricorn structures and reality as we know it, since
2008, clearing that sign's negatives: power at all costs, survival of the richest and repression of the
feminine. With the Eris-Pluto square since 2020, the dark expressions of both Capricorn and Aries have
been challenged and provoked, as both these planets demand transformation." With the Eris Square
Pluto Formula, we clear our buried stuff to transform into our Higher selves more easily, full of warrior
courage, truth-speaking, purpose, positivity and ability to create anew. It helps us to distinctly recognize
that, even amidst of destruction and disclosure, a new and better world is forming in which we
can bolster and participate, one that celebrates and promotes life, with the feminine properly balanced
with the masculine on all levels. This Formula is quite dynamic. Use it once a day, or perhaps just every
other day, to let go of what no longer serves you and to rise up to help actualize the new paradigm.
Ingredients: Fire Agate, Iron, Herkimer Diamond, Zinc, Impatiens, Larkspur, Shooting Star, filtered water,
alcohol 40% by volume
Boji Balls
Integrate Body/Mind/Spirit: Nature & Body Awareness. Clear Subconscious. Channeling
Boji Balls, one of the Shaman Balls (Pop Rock to geologists), are brown-black roundish concretions of
iron pyrite with traces of palladium. They're found at the base of a natural pyramid formation in
southwestern Kansas. Some have a smooth surface (feminine) and some a ridged surface (masculine).
Local tribal shamans used them in healing and would throw them in the fire to create explosions during
ceremonies. They balance all chakras, subtle bodies, and yin/yang aspects. The Elixir is grounding and
helps people to tune in to Mother Earth, Nature and their own body. It increases telepathic contact with
animal and plants and enhances the body's general health, healing and energy. It's excellent for
gardeners, veterinarians, whisperers, and nature lovers, and for those into body culture and health, such
as athletes, yoginis, and bodyworkers. It cleanses the subconscious mind of negative thought patterns
replacing them with uplifted thoughts and feelings. And too the ability to channel inner guidance and
the higher realms is greatly enhanced. Boji Balls are an all-round benefactor to balance the subtle
anatomy and yin/yang as well as strengthening and integrating body, mind and spirit.
Chrysoberyl - Gather Personal Power, Love, & Spiritual Insight to Excel
Chrysoberyl, also known as Cat's Eye, has long been used as a talisman for wealth,
good fortune, and protection. It has a remarkable ability to combine personal power,
the energy of love, and spiritual insight. It calms and balances the emotions, helps
people feel at ease with themselves and others, and promotes clear thinking. It gives
people the understanding that everything they need to succeed is within them. This
is the elixir for those who wish to succeed and strive for excellence in their chosen
field. It assists them to integrate discipline, self-control, confidence, and farsightedness
with serenity, kindness, and generosity. It gives them a strong
determination to get things done while allowing them to take responsibility for their
actions and experiences. People learn how to look at all aspects of a situation before
taking action and to solve problems by deeply understanding the details involved.
This elixir is an exceptional ingredient in the recipe for success!
Chrysocolla - Emotional Balance, Spiritual Progress, Breath Work
Chrysocolla is a complex copper mineral with attractive blue and green layers and mottling. It is sometimes called a Goddess stone, as it enhances the Feminine nature within us all. It generates greater inner peace and tranquility and attracts circumstances we need to get things done. This Elixir notably clears issues in the subconscious that block our emotional maturity or personality growth. Emotions are balanced, stress and hypertension eased, while spiritual understanding and awareness expand. Use this Elixir with breathwork to gain better control over spiritual forces. Chrysocolla, with its Feminine power, assists us to release our shadow areas, increase tranquility, attract what's good for us, and make spiritual progress.
Cosmic Warrior
Evolution. Higher Intelligence. Co-create with Gaia. Ascension Timeline
Cosmic Warrior combines two of the most profound magical stones - Master Shamanite and Hypatia
Meteorite. Using the 'best in show' idea, I award these 'best in earth' and 'best in sky,' and join
champion shaman stone and outstanding meteorite together. This blend is dedicated to and supports
Lightworkers, Spiritual Warriors, Earth Helpers, Healers, those serving to reestablish the power and
position of the Divine Feminine, and those working to bring peace, harmony and liberation to the Planet
and her living beings. It strengthens Intent, Spiritual protection and ability to manifest Higher destiny. It
helps us face and release, with courage, confidence and self-acceptance, our Shadow, as well as effectively assist others to clear theirs. We're able to ardently stand our ground and grow in Cosmic
awareness and our Divine nature. Intuition, psychic gifts and powers, channeling, meditation and
spiritual practice, all expand. DNA evolves and latent positive sections are activated. Contact with
Ascended beings, positive Extraterrestrials, Higher Intelligence and the Universe's evolutionary
direction, advances guiding us along the Greater path and offering comfort, support, and wisdom.
Cosmic Warrior is an all-round liberator and invites us to play a part in the grand Paradigm shift
presently occurring on Planet Earth.
Ingredients: Energized filtered Water, Alcohol 40% by volume, Master Shamanite, Hypatia Meteorite
Crop Circle Stone
Evolution. Higher Intelligence. Co-create with Gaia. Ascension Timeline
Crop Circle Stone is a piece of flint gathered from inside Crop Circle formations in England (those
deemed not made by human hands). The Book of Stones describes it as awakened stone through
intervention with Higher intelligence, calling it an evolutionary trigger. The Elixir increases attunement
to Mother Earth, Mother Nature and to all living beings. It invites us to co-create with the Planet to
move into the best future time stream and our Highest destiny. It quickens and elevates awareness,
perception, and psychic abilities, offering greater emotional and mental clarity. Our body's vibrations
heighten helping to protect it from negativity and EMF. Meditation, yoga, spiritual practice, and
spending time in nature, are all enhanced. Our Higher mission in life becomes more clearly defined and
readily available. Crop Circle Stone is an effective Ascension tool. Use it with Rosophia for lovely
communication with Gaia, and with Azeztulite, Satyaloka Quartz or Tachyon Elixirs to further accelerate
Elixir Yellow Color is a sunny color that enhances motivation and persistence, removing procrastination. It rejuvenates, reactivates and reenergizes. Yellow activates the mind and one's enjoyment of the moment. It has a centering quality, and stimulates the third chakra at the solar plexus and the associated gland, the pancreas.
Golden Chalice Vine - Welcome/Use Creative, Healing & Spiritual Energies
Golden Chalice Vine has large, deeply-cupped yellow gold flowers. As a flower essence, it creates a deep, open, relaxed receptivity to higher spiritual energies of love, light, vision, inspiration, imagination and healing. One's vibration is immediately raised to feel, receive, allow and hold these higher frequencies and direct them into something good and tangible. They can be used to make life easier, lighter, more creative and more inspired. Being completely universal, this essence can be used to enhance meditation, innovation, channeling, spiritual practice, creative arts, or hands-on-healing, and to link to Source, Guru, angels, inner guides, and Divine Grace. One's intention decides what is received and how this blessed downpour is utilized. It works well when feeling blocked or cut off from higher inspiration of any kind or for any reason. It opens and aligns the third, brow and crown chakras while stimulating and aligning the etheric and spiritual bodies. Bring Heaven to Earth. Use with other remedies to target the results. Wonderful with Golden Fuchsia and Pride of Madeira.
Green Apophyllite
Heart Opening. Joy. Love. Contact Mother Earth/Nature/Elementals. Earth Healing
Green Apophyllite is an enchanting crystal that activates the Heart chakra as well as the Brow and
Crown. We experience more joy, sweetness and optimism. It gently cleanses and balances the heart
energy to help us see all sides of an issue and let go of that which no longer serves. We move into
emotional balance, forgiveness, unconditional love and spiritual growth. Love and truth align. The Elixir
also notably helps us connect to Mother Earth and Nature. It opens a psychic channel to communicate
with Nature spirits, devas, fairies and elementals as well as animal and plant energies. It is excellent for
Earth healers, nature lovers, gardeners, and animal lovers, as well as for those who wish to open their
hearts to more joy, sweetness and love. Quite nice with Rosophia.
Libyan Gold Tektite - The Will to do Good, Manifest Higher Mission, Prosperity
Libyan Gold Tektite, also called Libyan Desert Glass, is found deep in the Saharan
Desert of Libya and Egypt. Like other tektites, it holds extraordinary energies from the
tremendous forces involved in its formation. King Tutankhamun's funeral breastplate
highlights a lustrous scarab carved from Libyan Desert Glass (see second photo). The
main focus of this golden yellow tektite is the opening of the third and fourth chakras
along with the crown. It balances all chakras and subtle bodies, while stimulating the
etheric, mental and spiritual bodies. It elevates the will to do good. Abundance,
prosperity, money and good luck improve when one lives and acts from the heart for the
benefit of all. Libyan Gold Tektite elixir unites the spiritual and earthly mission,
revealing how to materialize one's higher calling on earth. Higher consciousness expands
to inspire creative ideas for harmonious manifestation. This elixir also has a powerful
cleansing action, clearing and transmuting karmic issues from past lives, including those
related to other planets, star systems, and in particular, the Orion constellation. A field of
protection increases to prevent others from manipulating or interfering with one's free
will. Following the directive of this tektite, the will to do good, brings forth happiness
and bliss in life. Take once a day only. Because it grounds inspiration and liberates the
true free will, it combines well with Moldavite or Tibetan Tektite for grounded spiritual
Master Shamanite
Light Workers/Spiritual Warriors. Shadow Work. Service to Others & Mother Earth. Ascension Tool
Master Shamanite is a black carbon-rich form of Calcite with small amounts of Quartz, Zircon, Marcasite,
other minerals, and tiny pieces of fossilized shells that appear as white spirals. Found only in a remote
part of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, local tribal healers have long used this stone for spiritual
purposes, healing, inner journeying, and communicating with spirit guides and ancestors. Their children
carry it as protection from negative thoughts of others. Before rituals, the shamans use it to psychically
clear the space. The Elixir connects all chakras and subtle bodies as well as the Earth and Soul Stars,
hence potently linking the physical and Spiritual realms. This is one of the most dynamic helpers for
Healers, Light Workers and Spiritual Warriors dedicated to healing and lifting the vibration of Mother
Earth and reestablishing the power and position of the Divine Feminine. It increases Spiritual protection
and strengthens Intent. It assertively clears the Shadow offering more confidence, courage, and self acceptance
to move through the dark stuff and manifest one's Spiritual destiny and Divine Essence.
People stand their ground on and for the Planet and serve others in their healing journeys. Psychic gifts,
Higher powers, intuition, meditation, dream state, spiritual practice, contact with Spirit guides and
Higher realms plus magical manifestation all actively advance. Daily life becomes easier and more
empowered. A mighty Ascension tool for spiritual transformation and service to others and Mother
Earth. See Cosmic Warrior formula.
Moonstone - Feminine Power, Emotional Integration, Psychic Abilities
Moonstone with its pearly luster personifies the Feminine nature in her power and glory. This Elixir magnifies the Feminine qualities within us all - peace, receptivity, empathy, sensitivity, nurturing, emotional balance and harmony. Moonstone opens the Solar Plexus Chakra to resolve emotions, especially stress, anxiety and those related to the mother, calming, balancing and integrating them. We are more able to operate from that which we truly are and have to offer. The whole abdominal region relaxes, so it can be used to enhance breathwork, whether in therapy or spiritual practice. And because the Brow and Crown Chakras open, psychic abilities and intuition improve along with reception to higher guidance. As it's becoming crystal clear that the Mother/Goddess/Feminine energies and viewpoint have a major role to play in solving and healing the problems on Earth, Moonstone Elixir is a natural pick to have on hand and use often. Very nice in a bath.
Moqui Marbles
Yin/Yang Balance. Inner Journeys. Transformational Work. Contact Higher Guides
Moqui Marbles, another of the Shaman Balls, are roundish concretions with hematite shells and
sandstone centers that come in male/female pairs. They were formed in the lower part of the Navajo
Sandstone Formation in southern Utah and northern Arizona about 190 million years ago. A Hopi legend
recounts that their ancestral spirits return to Earth in the evenings to play marble games and then in the
morning leave the marbles behind to reassure their relatives that they're happy and content. Sacred
among shamanic members of ancient tribes, they were used in rituals to contact extraterrestrials and
ancestors, and for envisioning and journeying. They balance all chakras, subtle bodies and male/female
aspects. The Elixir's most important use is with inner transformational work to recognize, understand
and liberate one's true Nature and higher Self. It clears the shadow, energy blockages and polarity
imbalances, while strengthening the energy field and providing psychic protection and ground.
Discernment, intuition, visions, and insight are heightened. One can more readily contact allies, power
animals, inner helpers, positive ETs and spiritual guides. Use for Shamanic journeys, soul retrieval,
rebirthing, breathwork, meditation and inner journeying.
Mystic Merlinite
Balanced Polarities. Magic. Shadow Work. Higher Guidance & Gifts. Manifesting
Mystic Merlinite, discovered in Madagascar, is a swirling mixture of white quartz, black feldspar and a
few trace minerals. This stone is about the power that comes forth through balancing and integrating
opposites. The Elixir significantly harmonizes various polarities in body, psyche and subtle anatomy - yin
and yang, masculine and feminine, thought and emotion, upper and lower poles, all chakras, Earth and
Soul stars, Shadow and Light as well as subconscious mind and super consciousness. (Consider the Taoist Yin/Yang
symbol.) The veils between the visible and invisible worlds part and we can reclaim exiled parts of our
soul to experience more enlightened states. Kundalini flow, grounding, protection, dream state,
meditation, communication with subtle realms and inner guidance are all accented. Mystic Merlinite is a
powerful, magical ally when used with Intent for any number of purposes - problem solving, inner
journeying, soul retrieval, dream work, connecting and working with power animals/plants or the
forces of Nature, seeking higher guidance plus manifesting goals. Whatever our target, we can forge
exceptional outcomes filled with purity, integrity and light when our polarities are in harmony.
New Earth Magic
New Earth Magic attunes and aligns people to the New Ear th energies and Feminine accord, which are
rising and manifesting right now. This formula clears old conditioning, mindsets, perceptions and
interpretations not in line with the New Paradigm taking shape. We gradually let go of those things that
no longer serve, such as old pain, heart trauma, powerlessness, self-deprecation, judgments, confused
thinking, and mind chatter. We transform more readily and view life, ourselves, and others through our
Heart Intelligence in sync with Higher Intelligence. We're more inspired, lucid, and visionary about our
greater Mission on the Planet and aim to actualize it. Our spiritual evolution and awareness grow. We
stand up for ourselves determined to make a difference for Mother Earth, sharing our love, light, joy and
ideas, and working together with like-hearted souls. Increasingly we feel uplifted, enjoying more
harmony, spontaneity, synchronicity, understanding and clarity in our lives, activities, and relationships.
Ingredients: Energized filtered water, Alcohol 40% by volume, Rosophia, Ajoite, Crop Circle Stone,
Staurolite, Green Apophyllite, Rhodizite, Erythrite, Prophecy Stone, Magnesite, Phenacite, Niobium,
Flower of Life
Spiritual Stress Relief. Emotional Balance. Spirit Guides. Inner Quests. Dharma
Petalite comes in clear and pink shades, also yellow and gray, but the favorites are pink and clear. The
transparent specimens are cut into exceptionally sparkling gems. In the past, it was carried during vision
quests to create a close alliance with Spirit guides and afford Spiritual protection. Radiating a soft gentle
Celestial energy, it has been called 'Angel Stone.' The Elixir increases tranquility, upliftment and
expanded awareness as well as helping to manifest spiritual qualities into the physical realm. With its
lithium content to soothe and balance the emotional body, it works as a Spiritual aid for stress relief and
provides healing for abuse issues. Psychic powers, meditation and contact with Spiritual guides, all
improve. The inner eye opens to quest in the Greater dimensions. Our Dharma or highest destiny
becomes clearer and we're more able to manifest our Mission while maintaining a higher state of
awareness in our daily lives.
Rhozidite - Master Healer, Manifesting, Psychic Abilities, Amplifier
Rhodizite, a little dodecahedron shaped crystal only 3-5 millimeters across, embodies incredibly intensified energy and is considered a master healer. As an elixir, it clears blockages on all levels, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. It improves the ability to manifest, boosting strength of will and personal power as well as magnifying thought, intent and visualization. It develops and augments psychic gifts, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telepathy and distance viewing. It's a great balancer of the yin/yang forces of the body and left-right brain, while harmonizing the divine Mother/Father energies of the soul. Stress and anxiety ease to promote deep relaxation. Rhodizite helps to bring forth healing, abundance or transformation in life wherever desired. Use it across the board to increase abundance, manifesting, self-healing, psychic gifts and spiritual growth. Please note that this elixir will greatly amplify other remedies, essences and elixirs. Traditional Madagascar shamans have used these crystals, for hundreds of years, to cloud bust and make it rain.
Resonating with Gaia/Divine Feminine. Heart Healing. Heart/Mind Balance
Rosophia is a type of rosy red granite consisting of red feldspar, biotite (mica) and quartz. The name is
derived from Rose of Sophia or the Heart of Wisdom. This Elixir awakens the awareness found in the
heart chakra and creates a resonance with the Divine Feminine and Soul of Gaia. It soothes and
transmutes all heart issues, like depression, frustration, judgment, inner conflict, grief or difficulty in
relationships. It also helps one discern and let go of thoughts, beliefs and assumptions not in line with
the Heart's wisdom. The heart and mind learn to work together to increase communion with Mother
Earth and Gaia, and letting a Cosmic sense of love, beauty, harmony and peace prevail. Combines
nicely with Crop Circle Stone, Ajoite, Satyaloka Quartz or Azeztulite.
Third or Yellow Ray Elixir
With the Third Ray, the pure mental forces of consciousness fully integrate into matter. The ethers have fully awakened to intellectual awareness, from whence come science and philosophy. The mind desires and wills to organize and focus on the first three dimensions. Creativity crystallizes into permanent forms while formal relationships of family, group and community solidify. The Yellow Ray Elixir stimulates the will and intellectual or mental qualities to bring order and discernment. It augments the third chakra at the solar plexus to stimulate lucid thinking. There is also a willingness to work and collaborate in formalized relationships, like with the family and the work place, or with neighbors, community and organizations. This elixir is excellent to improve will power, clarity of thought, for learning, school or taking tests as well as favoring all formal relations.
Clarify and cement ideas, creations, groups!
Ingredients: White Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Yellow Color Elixir, Thyme
White Tourmaline Third Chakra - Emotional Healing, Balance & Integration, Feminine Energy
White Tourmaline (Uvite) clears and stimulates the Third or Solar Plexus Chakra. Its signature,
the color white, is the same as for Pearl and Moonstone, also Third Chakra gemstones. White represents the purifying effects of the Feminine or Goddess Energy, which clears, balances and transforms the emotions. She brings forth the True Self, increases intuition and facilitates Enlightenment or Ascension. This Elixir addresses such issues as a lack of receptivity or nurturing, the fear of being weak, and the inability to release stress or negative feelings. All emotions, and especially stress, anxiety and those associated with the mother, are processed and integrated. Tranquility, emotional stability, reception, sensitivity, and operating from that which we truly are
and have to offer, all improve significantly. Enlightenment, Ascension and Planetary healing all depend on mastering the Feminine nature within.
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