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Advanced Meditation: Kriya/Taoist/Kundalini Formula
Expand and deepen spiritual practices, especially those like Kriya yoga, Kundalini yoga and Taoist meditation. This sublime formula is designed for meditations which incorporate breath, visualization, mantras and seed sounds, listening for the inner Divine Sound, and/or raising Kundalini/Shakti. Advanced Meditation Formula opens the central channel, stimulates the 7 chakras and the 5 above the head, augments the seven subtle bodies, improves visualization and inner hearing, and kindles and distributes the Kundalini/Shakti. It accelerates the clearing of Sanskaras and old habituated patterns that interfere with spiritual awareness and growth, plus it also promotes Samadhi experience and spiritual alchemy and transformation. Works well with Raising the Form formula.
Ingredients: : Lotus, Kermescite, Gold-Quartz, Benetoite, Erythrite, Charoite, Rhodonite, Lazurite, Jimson Weed, Eyebright, Diopside, Chrysacolla, Natrolite, Neptunite, Pimpernel, Lilac, Sapphire
A Higher Love
A Higher Love is a heightened combination that expands our experience of Divine Love. More and more
we sense Infinite Benevolence streaming through our being, always cherishing and protecting. We grow
in unconditional acceptance of ourselves and appreciation for our talents, as gifts from the Spirit to
share with others. Our soul and heart awaken and work together, allowing us to be more of who we
really are. We gain more empathy and compassion, and enjoy connecting with people and all beings,
seeing that we are linked together as One meant to live in harmony. We shed egoistic concerns and old
selves. The illusion of being separate evaporates as well as the idea that there’s a gap between the earth
plane and higher dimensions. They are within us and around us at all times, accessible through being of
service to others or going inside. With this Formula, we realize that we are one in Love, that all there is,
is Love.
Ingredients: Cape Chestnut, Bower of Beauty, Star Clusters, filtered water, alcohol 40% by volume
AstroProtect: Uranus Square Pluto Formula
Between 2012 and 2015, Uranus, unexpected radical change, squares Pluto, complete dissolution necessary for the next cycle to begin. The 90 degree angle of these two outer planets creates powerful conflict but also offers the unprecedented opportunity for an awakening of consciousness and a new way of life. It clears the decks of old ways of thinking and doing and helps us break bad habits and old patterns to bring forth our potential and new powers. It's an absolute overhaul. This formula helps us to totally let go of what is leaving and no longer serving, to accept and trust what's being presented, and to listen to our intuition and inner guidance for assistance to reinvent and renew ourselves and our lives.
Beech - For being critical and intolerant of others
Beech helps people who are critical of and over-sensitized to the shortcomings or mistakes of others. Their intolerance and high but rigid mental standards lead them to want to be alone - away from those with whom they find fault. They feel superior to others and become judgmental, arrogant, or unsympathetic. They are unable to make allowances for and see the good in others. They are lonely taskmasters who suffer much because of their high ideals.
Beech infuses the heart with compassion, humor and tolerance toward others, and advances the ability to see the good in them despite their imperfections.
Beryllonite - Experience Spiritual Light & All Good Inside & Out
Beryllonite is a rare mineral containing beryllium, which too is a rare element. This
elixir assists us to consciously transcend deeply entrenched perceptions of duality
and polarity, like bad vs. good, wrong vs. right, hatred vs. love, or poor vs. rich. It
helps us to perceive and receive spiritual light, even in the darkest hour, and to
recognize that the Light can pierce the veil to reveal the highest good and the
constant presence of the Spirit. It powerfully expands our consciousness easing fear,
anxiety and ego illusions so that we can more closely identify and work with our
eternal Soul, Divine purpose and the Source of All. We begin to see divine power in
everything. Our negative thoughts and emotions dissolve to become faith, love,
altruism, and spiritual insight. We notice goodness in ourselves, others and
situations. In a world of strife, we become aware of the higher truth that brings us
brilliant solutions for all our challenges and difficulties.
Bower of Beauty - Unconditional love/appreciation for oneself
Bower of Beauty, native to Australia, is a beautiful vigorous climber adorned with fragrant pale pink blooms. The
Flower Essence bestows the Higher octave of self-esteem, the sense of Divine unconditional love and respect for
ourselves. This completely changes our perspective away from feeling low self-esteem, shame and worthlessness,
or fearing rejection, judgment and being unlovable. Instead we're able to experience wonder, appreciation and
gratitude for our talents, gifts and blessings, given by our Spiritual nature. We relax and take better care of
ourselves. We stop taking things so personally or pressing to be perfect or worrying about criticism. Gradually we
let go of old belief systems and conditioning from upbringing and cultural patterns. We look within rather than
outside to find and share our admirable qualities. This essence augments the Bach flower remedies. It's excellent
for times when our self-esteem has been shaken, and in therapy, addiction recovery and for survivors of abuse.
Calamine (Hemimorphite) - Emotional Healing. Personal Growth. Social Responsibility
Calamine (Hemimorphite) is a zinc silicate mineral that's been used as an ingredient in lotions to ease mild skin conditions, as far back as 1500. The elixir has wonderful qualities for healing the heart and emotions, linking to the Higher self, and increasing desire to contribute to society. It heals and soothes emotional wounds, anger, resentment, grief and sorrow, as well as any related psychosomatic issues, like digestive ills or certain conditions of muscles, structure, skin, heart, head or eye. Self-esteem, inner strength, forgiveness, compassion and egolessness all increase. As an agent for personal evolution, Hemimorphite enables us to take responsibility for our own reality to actualize a joyous creative life and contribute to the well-being of society and humanity. In a nutshell, this elixir heals our emotional wounds, so we more readily contact our Higher selves to create a positive reality for ourselves and our fellow human beings. Excellent in the bath for skin, scalp and hair follicles, and to ease emotional pain and psychosomatic conditions and tension. Interesting with Madeira Geranium to support the desire to help humanity.
California Peony - Releasing Facades, Being Real
California Peony is invaluable for the shedding of masks, fronts, facades, defenses, pretense, and false personas that plague humanity. It also helps stop people from being reactive to and annoyed by others' facades. People can face things more realistically and communicate more honestly. There is a sense of relief and relaxation in being more real, along with a realization of the extra energy it has taken to keep up fronts or to react to the masks of others. California Peony works well for teenagers, for those leaving a group, or in psychotherapy to release defenses in order to liberate the authentic self.
Canary Bird Bush - Inner Journeying. Soul Travel. Meditation
Canary Bird Bush, native to tropical East Africa, is an evergreen shrub, marked by flowers that look like a family of green or yellow canaries perched on a branch. As a flower essence, it enhances journeying
inward. The monkey mind and extraneous thoughts stop to allow a calm inner focus. It tends to
disconnect the awareness from the lower planes to experience the Spiritual domains beyond the astral
level and frees one from egoistic concerns. The inner screen and landscape expand and are brought to
the foreground. Use Canary Bird Bush as an aid to deepen meditation, trance states, lucid dreaming,
Soul travel, or inner journeys to explore the Highest realms. The capacity to experience inner
knowledge, the I AM Presence, and Soul self improves. And as such, this essence can assist in Self and
God Realization. Check out Soul Journeys.
Caveat: Do not take before driving or using machinery.
Chicory - For being over-protective, selfish, and possessive in showing love
Chicory people are full of caring and concern for their families and friends, but are also self-centered and possessive. Being strong-willed, they expect those near and dear to conform to their values and demands. They want them close by, while criticizing, correcting, and arguing with them. They easily feel rejected if someone stands up to them or contradicts their demands. They will feign illness to gain attention. They often speak about the duty owed to them, and have difficulty giving without expecting something in return. Chicory parents often produce Centaury children who cannot say no or break away from their grip.
Chicory increases the feeling of assurance that one is worthy of being loved. Demands and nagging give way to selfless giving and concern, as well as the experience that giving freely of one's attention leads to receiving attention freely from others.
Color Elixir Green, both master color and fulcrum of the colors, has universal appeal. It is cooling, and stimulates life, growth, harmony, cooperation, friendship, happiness, appreciation, and a sense of balance. Green raises the vibrations of the body above the vibration of dis-ease and brings forth self-healing, recovery, and renewal. It opens the heart chakra at the center of the chest and stimulates its associated gland, the thymus.
Chrysocolla - Emotional Balance, Spiritual Progress, Breath Work
Chrysocolla is a complex copper mineral with attractive blue and green layers and mottling. It is sometimes called a Goddess stone, as it enhances the Feminine nature within us all. It generates greater inner peace and tranquility and attracts circumstances we need to get things done. This Elixir notably clears issues in the subconscious that block our emotional maturity or personality growth. Emotions are balanced, stress and hypertension eased, while spiritual understanding and awareness expand. Use this Elixir with breathwork to gain better control over spiritual forces. Chrysocolla, with its Feminine power, assists us to release our shadow areas, increase tranquility, attract what's good for us, and make spiritual progress.
Easter Lily - Union with Source/Oneness/Divine Nature
Easter Lily attunes people to the uppermost reaches of their spiritual nature, as can be experienced in a physical body. It enables them to embrace the highest level of consciousness, the purity of soul that is in ever-communion and union with Source, the Infinite, and the all-inclusive Oneness of All. The crown chakra and twelfth chakra above the head open and align with the brow center while the spiritual and soul bodies are stimulated and aligned. This essence allows us to let go of our individuality and our egos and rest, renew and recharge in the complete peace, light, and bliss of pure Cosmic Awareness. We receive the gift of previewing our Enlightenment. We can use this flower essence to lift the heavy load of living when we're feeling burdened by life's troubles, trials, and tribulations. It is splendid for meditation, prayer, and spiritual practice, for use in meditation and prayer groups, or anytime people want to remember and experience their true elevated nature. We are all connected.
Ego Less I Formula
Ego Less I is the first of two formulas to help build a bridge that integrates the higher self with the ego. Unresolved dilemmas create a false identity, interfering with the ability to
connect with and act from the divine nature. Facades and pretense of the insecure
personality react to other people's games, ploys and issues, generating confusion and
misunderstanding in relationships and situations. Fears, anxiety, guilt, shame, anger,
mistrust and hostile projection all fuel the false self's defense system, while it tries to
protect its hurt, sensitive areas. The Ego Less I formula assists the resolution of these
painful emotions and insecurities, helping to release and unlayer them step by step. It
provides crystal clear objectivity to surrender and heal these in a calm, detached manner.
The strengths of the greater self: courage, acceptance, self-esteem, forgiveness, trust, and
loving inclusion of others, increase and help dispel the need of the ego to go on the
defensive. Instead it can relinquish to authenticity. The spiritual qualities begin to radiate
more and more: peace, love, happiness, kindness, self-worth, and embracing others, while
being compassionate and non reactive in the face of others' pain, masks and
uncertainties. What a relief, when the ego and higher self are able to come together and
work for the same goal of illumination. It's highly recommended to go on to the second
formula Ego Less II once finished with this first one.
Ingredients: Chiastolite, Natrolite, Peony, Tree Anemone, Larkspur, Garlic, Oregon
Grape, Pine, Borage, Ajoite, Sagebrush
Ego Less I1 Formula
Ego Less II continues the work of Ego Less I to strengthen the bridge between the higher
self and personality, by clearing the fear, anxiety, guilt, anger, masks, reactivity and
projection of the hurt ego. A more authentic self is born. Crystal clear objectivity,
courage, acceptance, self-esteem, trust and forgiveness continue to improve. Now deeper
cleansing occurs of emotional debris associated with tears and other more deeply hidden
issues, that need to be processed layer by layer. Beneath is the sweet core, the divine
nature. Clarity and positive emotional outlook increase. The ego further cooperates with
the greater self. Emotional confusion and personal belief systems are set aside to clearly
channel spiritual information and inner guidance. Wisdom, love and harmony prevail.
Egoistic concerns dissipate as the ability to stay with higher states of consciousness
grows. Do yourself a big favor and take Ego Less I and Ego Less II sequentially. They
work well with Presence, Thanksgiving, or Lucid Perception, and also as a precursor, for
Rainbow Body.
Ingredients: Chistolite, Natrolite, Peony, Tree Anemone, Larkspur, Garlic, Onion,
Oregon Grape, Pine, Borage, Ajoite, Sagebursh, Liveforever, Pink Dombeya, Madrone
Ego Less III
Ego Less III is third in the series, after Ego Less I and Ego Less II. I and II have the same core remedies designed to build a bridge to the Higher Self, link it with the ego, and clear and unlayer the ego's defense system along with the painful issues it protects. Ego Less III contains a new set of remedies. We enter a domain of deeper alchemy, self-integration and Spiritual identity. Hidden fears, subconscious blocks, denied emotional pain, addictions, obsessions, and engrained habits are liberated from the darkness, so we can review and let them go. We heal and integrate. Confidence, acumen, and mental clarity increase as well as joy, love, compassion, happiness and harmony with others. We're better able handle life's complexities, and clearly and cleanly conceive, create and manifest. Our Divine gifts heighten, such as visions, clairvoyance, telepathy, and channeling the Higher Self and Inner guidance. We access our higher purpose. This Formula tends to operate in cycles. First, we clear out old uncomfortable stuff, and then gifts and positive qualities come forward. And again, another round. Over time there's less to process while virtues and identification with the Spiritual Self steadily improve. Our lives and relationships work better, and we're able to be of greater service to others and the Planet. Let's uncover and follow our bliss.
Ingredients: Moreton Bay Fig, Mimosa Tree, Pennyroyal, Platinum, Liveforever, Watermelon
Tourmaline, Larkspur, Staurolite, Filtered water, Alcohol
Final Ascent Formula
Final Ascent Formula provides a radical but remarkably smooth and balanced release of the false self and shadow: the old entrenched patterns that interfere with experiencing Enlightenment. It fosters joy, unconditional love and
compassion for ourselves, others, our body and living on Earth. Plus, it helps us to fulfill our Higher mission and
channel our Higher Self and Master guides. We can fully embody our Ascension and ground Love and Light on the
planet, raising its vibration. With ease, we steadily unlayer old pain and trauma and readily and progressively
embrace and express ever more of our Divine nature and gifts. Meditation comes easily and serves Final Ascent's
transformative process.
Ingredients: Filtered energized water, alcohol by 40% volume, Liveforever, Indigo Bush, Rescue Remedy, Ajoite,
Yerba Mansa, Rosa Sericea
Forgiveness Formula
Do yourself a favor, and forgive yourself and others! This formula eases a load of stress from the emotions, mental outlook and body. Guilt and shame over mistakes and shortcomings as well as being too hard on oneself turns into self-acceptance, self-forgiveness and joy. Resentment, feeling bitter, complaining, blaming or criticizing others shifts into forgiveness and acceptance. One sees through people's problems and defenses to truly enjoy and appreciate the goodness that is there. What a relief. What an uplift. What a heart opener.
Garlic - Release Hidden or Obvious Fears/Anger with Increased Objectivity
Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a condiment, insect repellent, immune
support, and a way to ward off negative energies. As a flower essence, Garlic is a
valuable universal remedy to clear all kinds of fear and anger, whether hidden or obvious.
It allows people to become relaxed and mentally and emotionally objective in order to
release anxiety, paranoia, stage fright, resentment, hostility, impatience and the like. Even
if a person is afraid to let go of fears or anger still buried, Garlic flower essence gradually
removes any insecurity so they can be faced and processed in a calm detached manner.
The many layers of the garlic bulb signify its ability to quarry negative states and dispel
them. Use this essence liberally for any type of fearful or angry state. Excellent in
psychotherapy, ego clearing, negative thought form release, and spiritual work.
Green Tourmaline Fourth Chakra - Love, Compassion, Confidence, Harmony
Green Tourmaline (Verdelite) cleanses and awakens the Fourth or Heart Chakra, which then assists to expand the energy field. Grief, anger, criticism, resentment, low self-esteem and lack of appreciation all stem from a blockage in the Heart. This Elixir increases unconditional love, compassion, courage, confidence and stamina. People harmonize their affairs and resonate with
others, Nature and all living beings. Perception and viewpoints become more spiritual. The Heart Chakra when opened is the great balancer, helping to align all the other Chakras as well as the Yin/Yang forces. Use this Elixir liberally to enhance harmony and share the Love.
Heather - For being self-absorbed and feeling victimized by problems
Heather is for those who are preoccupied and obsessed with their own problems and worries. Such people seek the company of anyone who will listen to their complaints. They are the victim of their difficulties, and they feel powerless to help themselves. Because they are poor listeners and lack interest or concern for other people's problems, they sap others' vitality. Consequently people often avoid them because of their extreme neediness and compulsive talking. Heather types dislike being alone for any length of time, and may simulate illness to get sympathy.
Heather provides self-sufficiency, inner strength and a sense of power to handle one's own problems and improves empathy, concern and helpfulness toward others and their problems.
Henbane - Ego Death/Soul Retrieval
Henbane is a potent aid for those dedicated and determined to clear and clean up their egos, defensive patterns and old issues for the purpose of spiritual growth or enlightenment. This is not for the faint of heart. This flower essence supports all stages of ego death to generate spiritual growth and identity with the higher/true self. Upon first taking this essence, intense old emotions, defenses, or even occluded memories may surface to be faced and released. Once uncovered, they may take some time to clear depending how deeply ingrained and unconscious they are. The entire cleansing process reseeds the personality, and then euphoria may be experienced. Some may need to take only one or two doses to activate the process, and then at a later date, may decide to repeat the course. Go carefully! Be prepared to ask for support from your helpers, healers, and guides.
Holly - For hatred, envy, jealousy, or suspicion
Holly helps people who are attacked by thoughts of hatred, envy, jealousy, or suspicion. Such people can be bad-tempered and hard-hearted, aggressive and vengeful, or even cruel or violent. They lack the ability to love, and often feel a generalized anger toward others. They suffer much for no apparent reason, and deep down may feel insecure and unlovable. Children jealous of their siblings can often benefit from this remedy.
Holly opens the heart to unconditional love and compassion, inspiring one to generosity and the ability to truly enjoy others' success.
Impatiens - For impatience and irritability
Impatiens is for those who are quick in thought and action. Such people like everything to be done rapidly and become irritated and intolerant of slower-paced individuals and situations. They prefer to work alone so that they can maintain their fast pace. They hate to waste time and tend to be tense, with a temper that flares easily but just as soon dies down. Their hastiness may lead them to be accident-prone. Impatiens is an excellent remedy for parents and teachers.
Impatiens increases patience and tolerance for the slow pace of people and situations, and it helps one to be efficient yet relaxed and to remain calm when irritated.
Indigo Bush - Ascension Tool. Clear Shadow/Karma. Soul Star. Pineal
Indigo Bush (Orcutt's) is a rare plant native to the deserts of southern California and Baja California. The Flower Essence is one of the most alchemical and powerful, stimulating and coordinating the Heart, Brow and Crown
Chakras with the 12th, and activating the Soul Star and pineal gland. It provides a radically quickened release of the
false self and shadow - the old entrenched patterns that interfere with experiencing Enlightenment. We steadily
and rapidly unlayer old pain and trauma along with heart and relationship issues, while lifting any remaining
karma. We continuously embrace more and more of our Divine nature and gifts. Meditation is exceptionally
enhanced and deepened, becoming an essential ally to facilitate the accelerated transformation. There are
moments of bliss, clarity, greater Love and elevated perception. Indigo Bush is a major tool of Ascension. It's the
main ingredient in Final Ascent, a formula which provides for a smoother ride of release and mastery.
Larkspur - Positive Attitude, Cooperation, Leadership Skills
Larkspur (Delphinium) is a universal balancer for people, and also as a balancer for remedy combinations. It creates a positive mental attitude, increasing charisma, courtesy, altruism, cooperation, enthusiasm, and humor. It develops leadership abilities, helping to inspire others without being domineering or aggrandizing.
Madeira Geranium - Selflessness. Service to Others. Heal "Isms"
From the island of Madeira, the beautiful mound-forming geranium, largest in the world, brims with
mauve-pink flowers. Its essence inspires selflessness, service to others, and a willingness to sacrifice the
ego's insecurities. It clears selfishness, and heart pain where we cut off our love or had to disconnect
from others to survive. As we're freed from such feelings of separation, great joy and wholeness arise.
Deep seated emotions and grief move out of the way and we go forward into Great-heartedness. We
learn how to sacrifice small things we've clung to, so we can experience a shift where a new level of
caring can emerge. Kindness and desire to express more love in family and groups and with humanity
increase. Excellent for healing racism and the many other "isms" that separate human beings from one
Moonstone - Feminine Power, Emotional Integration, Psychic Abilities
Moonstone with its pearly luster personifies the Feminine nature in her power and glory. This Elixir magnifies the Feminine qualities within us all - peace, receptivity, empathy, sensitivity, nurturing, emotional balance and harmony. Moonstone opens the Solar Plexus Chakra to resolve emotions, especially stress, anxiety and those related to the mother, calming, balancing and integrating them. We are more able to operate from that which we truly are and have to offer. The whole abdominal region relaxes, so it can be used to enhance breathwork, whether in therapy or spiritual practice. And because the Brow and Crown Chakras open, psychic abilities and intuition improve along with reception to higher guidance. As it's becoming crystal clear that the Mother/Goddess/Feminine energies and viewpoint have a major role to play in solving and healing the problems on Earth, Moonstone Elixir is a natural pick to have on hand and use often. Very nice in a bath.
Mountain Mahogany - Conduct High Spiritual Energies into Action & Form Mountain Mahogany powerfully conducts and translates the energies of cosmic awareness into the manifest form. These energies promote action and activities based on the Spirit within, not the ego. And they also help to actualize a physical body with a higher frequency. Procrastination and sluggishness dissipate. For those who don't feel at home because they come from higher dimensions or enlightened civilizations, the increased frequencies in the body help them feel more comfortable in the human form. This flower essence aligns the sixth and seventh chakras with the five above the head as well as the first chakra. It also stimulates the etheric body. Use this with the ascension and enlightenment process. Excellent with Purple Scallops, Jade Plant, Asphodel, and Acanthus, and the Ascension and Illumination Formulas.
Natrolite - Bridge Higher Self & Personality/Release Hidden Talents
Natrolite is a beautiful mineral which grows as long straight crystals in sprays. It
powerfully promotes connections between mind and spirit. One of its most profound
attributes is to build and integrate a pathway between the higher self and the
personality or ego. The importance of this cannot be overstated. In consolidating this
bridge, spiritual energies flow into the personality to infuse it with confidence,
courage, optimism, and faith in oneself and the future. It awakens hidden inherent
talents and guides the individual along their true path in life. Reception to the
spiritual realms, to higher information, and to one's psychic abilities amply improves.
It is excellent for channeling, and then too for rebirthing, as it allows contact with the
spiritual self just before the spirit entered the body at birth.
Onion - Purge Emotional Debris to Access True Self, Clarity, Positive Outlook
Onion has become a worldwide culinary favorite with important medicinal and nutritive virtues. As a flower essence, Onion can be universally applied to purge and alleviate
emotional states and debris, both those associated with tears as well as those that need to
be processed step by step, layer by layer. Look to the parts of the personality that are
undisciplined, illogical or irrational, or feel blocked, stuck or defended. Onion flower
essence strips away the barriers to access the true inner self and bring forth clarity,
patience and a more positive emotional outlook on life. Use in psychotherapy, rebirthing,
ego clearing, negative thought form release, and spiritual work.
Oregon Grape - From Mistrust & Hostile Projection to Trust & Loving Inclusion
Oregon Grape is an attractive evergreen shrub with shiny spiny leaflets and dense clusters of gold yellow flowers which are followed by bluish black berries. The flower essence
clears distrust of others, that's coupled with hostile projections and paranoid or defensive
behavior. Thoughts are congested with irrational ideas of what others are thinking, and
may include internal arguments or suspicious imaginings. Oregon Grape opens the heart,
helping people to let go of mistrust and reel in untrue projections. It fosters loving
inclusion, being able to warm up to people to trust again and giving them the benefit of
the doubt. Most of us experience this at one time or another or in a certain part of our
personality. It is a good remedy to open our hearts and foster mental clarity, so we can
perceive and embrace the goodness of those around us. Very helpful for abuse victims
and survivors.
Peony - Releasing Facades, Being Real
Peony is invaluable for the shedding of masks, fronts, facades, defenses, pretense and false personas that plague humanity. It also helps stop people from being reactive to and annoyed by others' facades. People can face things more realistically and communicate more honestly. There is a sense of relief and relaxation in being more real, along with a realization of the extra energy it takes to keep up a front or to react to the masks of others. Peony works well for teenagers, when leaving a group, or in psychotherapy to release defenses in order to liberate the authentic self.
Pink Cobalt Calcite - Self-Realization thru the Heart. Emotional Harmony. Healing
Pink Cobalt Calcite has a most appealing rose red to pink lavender color. Some consider this crystal one
of the most loving members of the mineral kingdom. Dawn Hall,∗ longtime expert on the beneficial
qualities of stones, says, "The journey from the head to the heart is the longest spiritual path we’ll ever
take. Pink Cobalt Calcite can be very useful when navigating that path, as it acts as a bridge between the
soul star (higher heart) and the heart chakra." The Gem Elixir opens and aligns the heart, throat, brow
and crown chakras as well as the 12th (the soul star). Herein lies the key to its remarkable power.
Emotional harmony emerges through its calming, cleansing and healing action on heart and feeling,
easing tears, fears, anger, emotional blocks, old pain and trauma as well as psychosomatic illness and
conditions (ulcers, cancer, IBS, etc.) Forgiveness, patience, compassion and loving kindness for both
oneself and others readily come forth. And too, awareness, psychic faculties, contact and
communication with higher realms and spirit guides all advance to promote deep introspection to solve
life problems and view them from a heightened perspective. There’s a sense that miracles are possible,
and that one can manifest things and spiritual gifts. Those who have chosen to carry pain for people or
the planet, find support and inspiration. This gem is one of the most potent for Self-realization through
the heart. Divine love is the healer.
Pink Flame Tree - Radiant Power of Love
Pink Flame Tree, a tall native to Australia, blooms profusely with clusters of large rose-pink velvety bells.
The 3-inch flowers continuously fall, carpeting the ground with long-lasting, delightful fuzzy gifts. The
essence bestows the power of Love in its many manifestations. It's all about giving, receiving and
sharing this unconditional quality. It vigorously cleanses, transforms and expands the Heart chakra. It
clears all related barriers and difficulties, including those from childhood trauma, abuse or confusion. It
assuages guilt, worthlessness, fear, criticism, resentment, grief, withdrawal, and the like. Pink Flame
Tree raises self-esteem, self-acceptance, confidence, and appreciation and acceptance of others, as well
as affection for family, community, the Earth, and all living beings. It has a most remarkable ability to
expand one's radiant Love to positively influence and help others transform. It's an excellent addition to
the Bach Flower Remedies and their combinations, enhancing and spiritualizing their qualities for the
21st Century. This essence is often best used with specific remedies to focus its effects. It magnifies and
quickens all flower essences.
Radiant Heart Formula
Open your heart to love. Boost self-esteem, self-acceptance, kindness, tolerance, understanding, love and acceptance of your own or others' issues and shortcomings. This formula is very freeing, relaxing and harmonizing. Bring forth joy and appreciation for people and life!
Rainbow Body Formula
The name of this formula takes its inspiration from Tibet's Dzogchen meditation practice, the Great Perfection, also known as the Rainbow Body technique. The method aims to fathom the original state of being and to consciously manifest it. The top left image depicts a symbol from this tradition. The center, with the white Sanskrit letter 'A', represents infinite being while the surrounding rings are the five elements of the light body which is attained through this system. At the following You Tube link, author and speaker David Wilcock explores astounding occurrences of those who, in life, achieved this direct realization with the accompanying constant compassion. In death, they manifested the rainbow body. Actual rainbows visibly exude off their bodies for all to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yjM04PH56g
The Rainbow Body formula helps to realize this true inner nature and to live it in the world of form with virtues of compassion and wisdom. Chronic patterns and issues dissipate more easily. Hierarchical thinking and perceiving lessens along with obsessing and over-analyzing. Instead thoughts are more 'out of the box' with inspirational and creative qualities coming forth more readily as needed for the situation at hand. Individuals see, accept and connect more harmoniously with the pure inner essence of others, animals, and nature. They begin to claim the light body, a rainbow pattern that encircles the original being. All 12 chakras are opened and aligned while all subtle bodies are stimulates and balanced. Excellent with meditation and spiritual practice.
I recommend viewing a six minute visual meditation video offered by LiAhRa on her You Tube channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9FJB1DHc4QZ1y_m1jL5h1Q. She describes how to clear, align and bring the upper chakras, including those above the head, into the center of the energy field, which she calls the golden egg. (See the second image on the left.) The seven main chakras are moved to surround the golden egg as bands of the rainbow. Using this meditation with the Rainbow Body formula quickens the ability to experience the pure essential being centered in the heart area and also access the compassion and wisdom found there. Use this formula once a day or less often. And take a break now and then. It is most helpful to take Ego Less I and Ego Less II formulas beforehand to get greater benefit from Rainbow Body.
Ingredients: Filtered energized water, alcohol 40% by volume, Schorl, Rubellite, White Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Blue Tourmaline, Cat's Eye Tourmaline, Quartz Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Tibetan Tektite, Tamarisk, Flower of Life
Soul Journeys Formula
Soul Journeys formula is a superb aid for those who want to travel the greater dimensions beyond the
astral plane to experience instruction and respite in the pure non-dualistic levels of the I AM Presence, Ascended Beings, Master Teachers, and Angelic Realms. This formula deeply relaxes and calms the body, emotions and thoughts, directing the focus toward the inner screen and landscape. It tends to disconnect one's awareness from the lower planes to contact the Divine self and be free of egoistic concerns. Cosmic consciousness, Spiritual protection, visualization, psychic faculties and lucid dream states are all heightened. It is best to use Soul Journeys in a quiet place with no outer intrusions or disturbance. Turn off the cell. Create a sacred space: put up a Do Not Disturb sign, close the curtains, use soft lighting and gentle music, or a sleep mask and ear plugs. Enjoy the adventure!
Caveat: Do not take before driving or using machinery.
Ingredients: Canary Bird Bush, Butterfly Rose, Benitoite, Ambrosia, Filtered water, Alcohol
Spiritual Awakening Formula
Spiritual Awakening formula is a great support for those who are doing Chakra work and Shadow
clearing, and desire a leap forward in their Spiritual evolution. It contains a Himalayan rose (which are
the most potent and alchemical roses on the planet), plus Lotus, another time-honored enlightened
flower. The formula helps one to relax and allows the Heart and Crown chakras to operate as a single
unit. By filtering the energies of the lower chakras, a calm and balanced perspective is created to
experience elevated states of Awareness. This formula enlightens the intellect and enhances
communication with one's Higher self and Spirit guides. Excellent for advancing meditation and spiritual
Ingredients: Rosa Sericea, Lotus, Ambrosia, Filtered water, Alcohol
Spiritual Expansion Formula
Spiritual Expansion formula, with four Himalayan roses and other potent remedies, is a glorious quantum leap forward in Cosmic consciousness. It attunes people to their Divine nature, Ascended beings and Masters, and the Angelic realms. Higher purpose, Wisdom, Mindfulness and sublime creative sensitivities increase. It stimulates the Kundalini and gives ground to high-level Awareness. Psychic abilities, visions and channeling are magnified along with joy, gratitude, acceptance for living, and unconditional Love for self and all. This formula improves the understanding of being physical and how to better prosper, while we enjoy greater Spiritual realization. Body, mind, and Spirit are harmonized. All Chakras including the five above the head are opened and aligned. Continue using this formula for a balanced ever-increasing adventure in Divine unfoldment.
Ingredients: Rosa Sericea, Rosa Longicuspis, Rosa Brunonii, Rosa Webbiana, Clear Quartz, Star Sapphire,
Lotus, Filtered water, Alcohol
Star Clusters - Realizing Authentic Self & Unity with Others
Star Clusters bestows the realization of humanity's essential nature, as beings of
loving light linked together, remarkable radiant stars interconnected in love. With
this understanding, people live together in harmony for the Greater Good, no matter
the place, position, situation, or circumstance. This flower essence liberates from the
illusion that individuals are separate, helpless and alone. It gives courage to release
emotions, heart pain, and perceptual blocks that interfere with the experience of
unity. It relinquishes egocentric concerns and insecurities so that people can truly
accept and appreciate themselves and embrace the gifts and goodness of others.
Ultimately Star Clusters helps people find their own authentic position in the grand
scheme of things while enjoying others to create in love, harmony and gratitude.
Taiwan Flowering Cherry - Peace, Tranquility, Inner Silence Taiwan Flowering Cherry has a unique ability to immediately impart a relaxed inner state of silence and tranquility. Thoughts and emotions quiet, and one can experience stillness which is often difficult to attain in the today's world. This flower essence has any number of uses - for emotional trauma, mental tension, addiction recovery, meditation, contemplation, prayer, spiritual practice, and communing with nature. As an emotional rescue, it eases emotional pain and discomfort. For the mind, it stops distracting thoughts, worries, fears and anxiety. It brings people, past thought and emotion, to the threshold of a still inner awareness in which they can profoundly relax, recharge, renew and realize, and commune with a deeper truth inside. This flower essence can be taken daily to ease emotional and mental tension or the constant barrage of negative emotions and thoughts, so to directly feel calm and centered. Then people can access silence and tranquility within to find much needed insight and proper action for issues, situations and relationships.
Vervain - For straining and being overzealous and overenthusiastic
Vervain types are passionate about their ideas and opinions and want to convert and persuade all those around them to their own views of life. With zeal, strong will and great courage of their convictions, they rally around causes to redress injustice, sometimes to an extreme point. Their great energy creates tension in their body, and they may have difficulty relaxing or falling asleep. They exhaust themselves with unnecessary effort and over enthusiasm. They can be irritable, frustrated, and annoyed over matters of principle.
Vervain helps to broaden the mind about life and its events. It helps people with strong convictions to accomplish their goals without straining and to attract allies to their cause by being more tolerant of others' opinions.
Vine - For being domineering and inflexible
Vine people are ambitious, capable and gifted. They feel sure of their abilities and confident of their success. They crave power and authority and enjoy directing people, but they can lack sensitivity or sympathy for others' feelings or viewpoints. They can become aggressive and tyrannical in demanding obedience, and can be cruel and ruthless to gain power to meet their ends and to convince others to their way of thinking. The class bully, the political dictator and parents or bosses who rule with an iron rod are such extreme examples of this type.
Vine helps ambitious, capable, and confident people to relax, be flexible and become open and sensitive to others' feelings and ideas. Then such people may become true leaders, inspiring and guiding others.
Whirling Butterflies - Releasing Resistance and Accepting Change Whirling Butterflies is a very important and timely essence for what's occurring on the planet at this time. With so much change coming more and more rapidly, it can become difficult to handle these ever increasing shifts. This sets up resistance in us and we want things to slow down, be more stable, and be more like they used to be. This essence helps us to adapt to this acceleration and overcomes the antagonism to the rapid change and to change in general. It helps us accept and allow all things present and presented. We release our opposition to what is being presented and learn to relax, be at peace, and move, work and flow with the moment. We surrender to the Spirit and learn to trust and have faith in what is happening. We realize that, through our higher nature, we have all that we need to deal with whatever comes our way. And ultimately it is for and increases our good and growth. Consider using with Impatiens, Willow, and the Abundance Attitude, Loving Relations, and Super Stress Relief Formulas.
White Tourmaline Third Chakra - Emotional Healing, Balance & Integration, Feminine Energy
White Tourmaline (Uvite) clears and stimulates the Third or Solar Plexus Chakra. Its signature,
the color white, is the same as for Pearl and Moonstone, also Third Chakra gemstones. White represents the purifying effects of the Feminine or Goddess Energy, which clears, balances and transforms the emotions. She brings forth the True Self, increases intuition and facilitates Enlightenment or Ascension. This Elixir addresses such issues as a lack of receptivity or nurturing, the fear of being weak, and the inability to release stress or negative feelings. All emotions, and especially stress, anxiety and those associated with the mother, are processed and integrated. Tranquility, emotional stability, reception, sensitivity, and operating from that which we truly are
and have to offer, all improve significantly. Enlightenment, Ascension and Planetary healing all depend on mastering the Feminine nature within.
Willow - For resentment, complaining, and feeling that life has been unfair
Willow helps people who hold on to resentment, bitterness and self-pity. Such individuals feel that life has been unfair to them in some way and they haven't deserved such a trial. They blame others and circumstances for their problems, grumbling and complaining and not taking responsibility for what happens in their lives and relationships. They begrudge others their success, happiness or good fortune. They are rarely pleased or satisfied, and more often than not they refuse to admit to improvements, preferring to see themselves as victims.
Willow restores a positive mental outlook and optimism about life, allowing people to forgive and forget past injustices. No longer victims they can enjoy life and attract friends and positive conditions into their lives.
Zircon - Transmutation. Liberation. Cosmic Awareness. Spiritual Powers
Zircon, a stone of intensity and clarity, transmutes our spiritual energies on the physical plane. It helps
us reconcile being a Spiritual entity in a physical body. Its gesture is that when cut into a gem, it creates
as much luster and fire as a diamond. Zircon Elixir clears the subconscious mind of deep dark denials
created through past pain and trauma. These denials morph into the difficulties wrestled with day by
day and year after year: deep-set fears, anger, depression, sorrow, anxieties, addictions, repetitive
mistakes and the like. These interfere with experiencing Enlightenment and Ascension. Certain of our
spiritual aspects sank into oblivion along with these repressed parts. Zircon Elixir comes to the rescue to
reclaim our pure beautiful, illuminated facets and gifts. It allows us to better experience our Divine Nature and to be a channel for the Spirit. It removes and raises us beyond ancient confusion, conditioning,
karma and implants. Revelation, cosmic awareness, visions, dreams, psychic abilities and higher powers
increase, to use while we're embodied to help ourselves as well as others, the planet and the universe.
It’s best to utilize Zircon Elixir with care. Perhaps take it for 7 days at a time (or as you wish), and then
stop and integrate for a while. Then go for another cycle. It's a remarkable liberator!
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