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Sacred Geometry: Revealing the Blueprint of Creation

What is Sacred Geometry?
Reiki Symbols
Carl Jung's View on Symbols
Sacred Geometry Elixirs
Sri YantraFlower of LifeMetatron's CubeStar TetrahedronSphere
Platonic Solids
Platonic Solids Set
Platonic Solids, Crystal Shapes and the Periodic Table

What is Sacred Geometry?
Sacred Geometry is based on the idea that certain geometric patterns and shapes have symbolic and sacred meanings, and that the creation of the Universe is founded on these, like galaxies, the solar system, nature, snowflakes, crystals, honeycomb, flowers, atoms and nanoparticles. The wisdom of mystical schools, thousands of years old, used this philosophy as did ancient Egyptian, Indian, Greek and Roman art and architecture. Today this age-old esoteric system is meeting up with the latest achievements of quantum physics.

Sacred Geometry reveals the energetic blueprint for all of creation. Its key is harmony, combining the material aspects with the spiritual essence, the visible and invisible, manifested and unmanifested, finite and infinite. It establishes balance on all levels of existence. Its purposes are to bring clarity to one's state of awareness, to deeply reflect on the mysteries of being and how to achieve spiritual perfection, and to endow the soul with virtue, power and responsibility for its endeavors while embodied.

Reiki Symbols
A brief mention about Reiki is in order. It is a hands-on-healing system that was resurrected from ancient Indian and Tibetan sutras in the late 1800s by Dr Usui, a Japanese scholar. Sacred symbols are used to amplify, direct and focus the universal life force energy to bring balance and healing to body, mind and spirit.

Carl Jung's View about Symbols
Carl Jung was a famous Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst (1875-1961), who dramatically changed the face of his profession. His final book, Man and His Symbols, which became a classic, includes numerous beautiful and colorful illustrations of sacred symbols from different cultures throughout history. He stated that he believed that the unconscious spoke through the language of symbols. In another of his books, Ego and Archetype, he defined the word symbol as "an image that points to something unknown and mysterious, which has a living subjective meaning. As a spontaneous projection of the psyche, the symbol becomes a living organic releaser. It can only be discovered. It cannot be made. The symbol's source comes from a transcendental awareness and is transmitted to the ego or waking consciousness to help motiate, support and guide the individual." This could be proposed as a modern description of how sacred geometry works.

Sacred Geometry Elixirs
  Sri Yantra - Transcendent Blueprint, Self-Realization, Manifestation, Harmony, Ascension Tool

The Sri Yantra, estimated to be up to 12,000 years old, is possibly the world's most powerful symbol and sometimes referred to as the Mother of Sacred Geometry or the Queen of Yantras. It contains within it the transcendent template for the elevation and evolution of the entire universe, both manifest and unmanifest, and serves to align our energies with this unfolding cosmic blueprint. Its universal patterns of energy lead to spiritual acceleration and ascension as well as harmonious manifestation of abundance in all its forms. The center represents the Source, the triangles the Divine masculine and feminine accords intertwining, the circles the different dimensions descending to the material plane, the square. The two circles of petals of the lotus symbolize inner and outer desires that must be purified, to be able to spiritually grow and manifest properly. For centuries, India has used this design as a potent tool for meditation, enlightenment and the granting of wishes, blessings and material needs. As an Elixir, the Sri Yantra clears anything in the way, to help us connect to our true Being, balance our masculine and feminine aspects, and increase our ability to create from the level of true desire. Obstacles dissolve, materializing becomes easier, miracles occur more often, and love, joy, peace, spontaneity, bliss and cosmic awareness expand. Harmony between our inner and outer lives flourishes. Ascension tool.

  Flower of Life - Alchemy, Harmony, Creation, Integration, Elevation, Advance DNA

The Flower of Life, one of the most recognizable sacred symbols in the ancient and modern worlds, dates back at least 6000 years. It was discovered on reliefs in the Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt. This captivating design represents the cycle of creation from beginning to end and the interconnectedness of all life, through 19 intersecting circles that reveal overlapping symmetrical flowers. Spiritually it can be used with focus for attaining enlightenment and inner peace, and as a pathway to seek one's personal and unique purpose within the greater universe. It balances body, mind, and spirit. Most other geometric patterns can be traced inside it, including Metatron's Cube, Star Tetrahedron and the Platonic Solids, but not the Sri Yantra. It holds feminine energy in the curves and circles and masculine energy at the intersection points. As an Elixir, the Flower of Life is pure alchemy; it amplifies, quickens, harmonizes, integrates, transforms and elevates. It encourages positive harmonious creation and brings out the best in a person, integrating all levels and dimensions of the self from the most mundane to the most rarefied or sacred. It enhances love, harmony, manifestation, problem-solving, physical/emotional/mental balance, psychic gifts, hands-on-healing, and attunement to Higher self, inner guidance and Source. It clears, protects and strengthens the energy field and advances DNA. Because the Flower of Life is expansive in so many ways, it needs to be directed with intent or modalities. Use it with other remedies, herbs, aromatherapy, spiritual practice, visualization, intention, goal seeking, affirmations, healing modalities and the like, to bring forth the highest and best and most balancing effects and outcomes.

  Metatron's Cube - Physical & Spiritual Living Harmonized, Male/Female Balance, Synchronicity

Metatron's Cube is a symbol of creation, like the Sri Yantra and the Flower of Life. It begins with a singular point in the center and then expands outward. Everything in the universe - galaxies, stars, planets, humans, animals, plants, DNA structures, atoms, electrons and nano-par.cles - are all made up of the same elements and follow the same mathematical laws of nature and physics. These laws appear to be included in this extraordinary geometric figure. The Book of Enoch states that once Enoch ascended into heaven, he became Metatron, the universal scribe, recording everything in heaven and on earth, aka the Akashic records. And that he formed this pattern from his soul to oversee the balance and flow of energy in the universe. Metatron's Cube links universal shapes and patterns, such as the Fruit of Life (the 13-circle pattern) from the Flower of Life, plus the Sphere, the Star Tetrahedron and all five Platonic Solids. The circles represent the Divine feminine while the straight lines the Divine masculine. Hence it illustrates the union of male and female principles as being the basis of all creation. The Elixir bridges the left and right sides of our brain and integrates our experiences of both the physical universe and cosmic awareness. We begin to see the interconnectedness of all life. We awaken to our potential and stay present and grounded. Confusion and negativity fade away. Harmony, synchronicities, higher consciousness, and unconditional love and self-acceptance all increase.

  Star Tetrahedron (Merkabah) - Light Body, Polarity Balance, Higher Consciousness

The Star Tetrahedron is also called the Mer-Ka-Ba, a term from ancient Egypt which literally translates as light-spirit-body. Composed of two intersecting tetrahedrons that spin in opposite directions, the Merkabah creates a 3-dimensional energy field, aka the Light body. These opposing energies combine in perfect balance of masculine and feminine, earth and cosmos, body and spirit. This union activates light and protection around the body and transports the consciousness to higher dimensions. As an Elixir, Star Tetrahedron helps to awaken and develop our Light body, the energy field around our physical body, associated with our spiritual self and ascension. The Elixir also stimulates Divine light and love and elevates our awareness. Our male and female aspects, heart and mind, spirit and body become more balanced. Our potential and power are liberated so we can live our lives now in greater harmony.

  Sphere - Wholeness, Integrity, Creativity

The Sphere, ever popular and appealing, is found in every part of life, such as atoms, cells, seeds, planets, star systems and galaxies. Though appearing simple, this mysterious and subtle form, is the only sacred shape that can contain all the others. Voltaire, French philosopher, said, “God is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” The sphere is a universal symbol of unity, wholeness, completeness and integrity, and also the Void. A feminine, creative energy is also often associated. As an Elixir, Sphere calms, centers and balances. Any parts that are fragmented, separated or misaligned, immediately start to mend, heal, harmonize and integrate, whether it's chakras, thoughts, emotions, personality or body issues, past lives, or the like. Take it if you feel scattered and then notice yourself coming back together. Creativity is often stimulated in new and novel ways. One's energy field begins to radiate more beauty and wholesomeness, all around.

The Platonic Solids
Pythagoras and Plato, both ancient Greek philosophers and mathematicians, studied extensively these polygons, which originated from the Neolithic people of Scotland. Plato theorized that these were the classical elements of which the world was made and represented earth, air, fire, water and ether. The Platonic Solids are part of Sacred Geometry, an esoteric system that holds the idea that certain geometric patterns and shapes have symbolic and sacred meanings and effects.

  Cube (Hexagram) - Ground, Stability, Patience, Foundation, Root Chakra

The Cube or Hexagram is one of the most stable of the Platonic solids, being deeply linked with earth elements, and as such, connecting us to the energies of the planet and nature. As a symbol of grounding, it helps us feel present and level-headed. We can develop strong roots and ensure that we're planted in fertile, healthy soil. It aligns with the Root chakra at the base of the spine to offer stability and foundation for the rest of the chakra system. As an Elixir, Cube calms, focuses, grounds and holds steady. We become more aware of how we connect to the earth and can use it to strengthen the etheric blueprint of our physical bodies. It brings more patience, consistency and structure into our lives and to our creative projects.

  Tetrahedron - Spark of Creation, Manifestation, Catalyze Change, Sacral Chakra

The Tetrahedron with its four triangular faces, is another of the most stable Platonic solids as it is almost impossible to overturn. Plato associated it with the element of fire. This shape represents the spark of creativity. As an Elixir, Tetrahedron improves focus, clarity and initiation, and activates creative potential and the ability to manifest aims and endeavors. Another notable benefit is that change is catalyzed so that wherever things have become stagnant, the necessary shifts can occur so that one can move forward or start anew.

  Octahedron - Emotional Healing, Power, Authentic Self, Solar Plexus Chakra

The Octahedron, another of the Platonic solids, has eight triangular facets and looks like two opposing pyramids coming together at their square bases. It represents power, wisdom and integration, reminding us that as above, so below. As an Elixir, Octahedron helps heal places in our emotional being that were hurt in the past, so we can move into better self-acceptance and understanding of who we really are. We learn to listen and negotiate from what we truly have to offer. It helps us be calm, confident and centered, and in harmony with our authentic Self. We are relaxed and able to speak and act from a place of power. It can be very helpful when there's a lot going on within or around us.

  Icosahedron - Divine Love, Higher Self, Sense the Energies of Life, Heart Chakra

The Icosahedron, with 20 triangular facets, is especially attractive when cut from crystal. This Platonic solid awakens the heart to higher love. With personal love we still view life through our thoughts, but when the divine aspect of love is activated, we begin to perceive life through vibration. We become more psychic, able to read the frequencies of living beings, nature and things rather than analyze them. As an Elixir, Icosahedron develops unconditional love, empathy, patience and understanding. The link to our higher self strengthens. Anger, judgments and criticalness toward ourselves and others start to soften. We turn more positive, kind, diplomatic and intuitive, as well as more sensitive to the energies of life.

  Dodecahedron - Spiritual Expansion, Divine Nature, Protection, Throat, Brow & Crown Chakras

The Dodecahedron, characterized by 12 five-sided facets (pentagons), is associated with the element of ether, according to Plato. This solid symbolizes what's unknown and mysterious, higher knowledge and unexplored perspectives. It reminds us of our ability to move away from the third-dimensional focus and attend to our inner nature. Our consciousness expands and we feel a better alignment and experience with our Divinity. As an Elixir, Dodecahedron aids meditation, raises our vibrational level to perceive the higher realms, and heightens spiritual experiences, psychic abilities and contact with Spirit guides. When we feel blocked off from the Light of the cosmos or separate from our Greater self, this can reconnect us to Divine creation and help us dive into universal truths. It also grants a sense of heavenly protection.

  Platonic Solids Set - $47 (Save $18!)

The Platonic Solids Set includes five one-ounce bottles: Cube, Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Icosahedron and Dodecahedron. They can be used separately or in any combination, or even all of them at the same time. Together they work with all seven chakras.

Cube is deeply linked with the earth elements, connecting us to the energies of the planet and nature to develop strong roots. The Elixir calms, focuses, grounds and holds steady. We feel present and levelheaded. It aligns with the Root chakra to offer stability and foundation for the rest of the chakra system and can be used to strengthen the etheric blueprint of the body. It brings more patience, consistency and structure to creative projects.

Tetrahedron is associated with the element of fire, the spark of creativity and the sacral chakra. It improves focus, clarity and initiation, activating creative potential and ability to manifest aims and endeavors. A most notable benefit is that change is catalyzed. Wherever things have become stagnant, shifts can occur more readily so one can move forward or start anew.

Octahedron represents power, wisdom and integration and is associated with the solar plexus chakra. It helps to heal past hurts in our emotional being, so we can move into better self-acceptance and understanding of who we really are. We learn to listen and negotiate from what we truly have to offer, and be calm, confident, centered, and in harmony with our authentic self. We act and speak from a place of power.

Icosahedron awakens the heart to higher love and perceiving life through vibration. We become more psychic, able to read the frequencies of living beings, nature and things, rather than analyze them. We develop unconditional love, empathy, patience and understanding with a stronger link to our higher self. We become more positive, kind, diplomatic and intuitive, and more sensitive to the energies of life.

Dodecahedron is associated with the element of ether. It symbolizes what's unknown and mysterious, higher knowledge and unexplored perspectives, stimulating the throat, brow and crown chakras. We move away from the third-dimensional focus and attend to our inner nature. Our consciousness expands and we align with our Divinity. It aids meditation and heightens spiritual experience, psychic abilities and contact with spirit guides and higher realms. If we feel blocked from the Light of the cosmos or separated from our greater self, it reconnects us to Divine creation. It also grants us a sense of heavenly protection.

  The Platonic Solids, Crystal Shapes and the Periodic Table of Elements
Plato was right when he theorized that the Platonic Solids were the classical elements of which the world was made. These regular shapes occur in areas such as chemistry, crystallography, mineralogy, oceanography, medical virology, cytology (the study of cells), geology, meteorology, electronics, and the harmonics of the musical scale, to name a few. They truly are the building blocks of life.

Crystals that form in Platonic shapes:
Cube: aquamarine, halite (salt), pyrite
Tetrahedron: hematite, magnetite, chalcopyrite
Octahedron: fluorite, diamond
Icosahedron: cobaltite
Dodecahedron: garnet

The Periodic Table of Elements
Every single element on the periodic table has a geometric relation to at least one of the platonic solids. It was physicist, chemist and engineer Dr Robert J. Moon (1911 –1989) who proposed a model of the spatial distribution of nuclear protons, involving these shapes on the subatomic level.

  Platonic Solids as building blocks on the subatomic level, according to Dr Moon.

The conclusion is that the Platonic Solids can be described as forming the foundation of all structure, keeping the Universe in order, balance and harmony, from the level of nanoparticles all the way to massive objects in space.
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